The Benefits of Invisibility
Have you ever thought for a moment that maybe the reason nobody realizes that you exist is because you have temporarily gained the gift of invisibility? For those who may be annoyed that nobody sees you, some benefits!

This is how I look to people who aren't looking for me
Reduced Consequences
When you are invisible, consequences no longer become an issue. Just remember to keep your mouth shut and then you can do whatever you want. Do you want to rob a bank? Great, you are now the ghost of J.P. Morgan coming back from the dead and looking to take back his inheritance. Do you want to get revenge on your mean boss? Go into their office with the coffee pot and spill the coffee on those reports he or she was always nagging you about. Be creative. There are very few limitations. Some examples include: still not being able to fly, can't walk through solid objects, will still not be able to impersonate your favorite or least favorite actor or actress, invincibility.
Talking Smack
But lets say that you don't want to keep your mouth shut. That still works. You can still taunt your friends, family, and acquaintances as long as they don't realize you are invisible. This works best if they are under large amounts of stress and are near a psychotic breakdown. They are more likely to believe this explanation than believe they are talking to an invisible person they know. Once you are convinced that they believe in the delusion, feel free to mock them or interrogate them and get juicy secrets that they would never reveal to others. Pretend to be their conscience and sabotage their productivity. But if you would like to preserve their sanity, just take their stapler when they aren't looking. Yours is always missing anyways.
Making Promises
As a result of the first and second point, you can make promises to people if they really could care less. If they never pay attention to what you do and never pay attention to what you say than certainly they won't judge your character on betraying their trust. Yeah, I'll pay you that $10 bucks later, forgot my wallet. Oh wait you can't see me or hear me? Never mind. Trust me they will never remember that you forgot to give them what you promised to give them. They would rather look at themselves in a mirror than remember anything about an invisible person.
Am I Invisible?
I am going to test my visibility. I'm not sure if the first three points apply to me or not. I am have convinced they are, but maybe not. Here we go:
To the first person who can see me, I will give you $1 STEEM. I promise. Just comment below that you can see me. Hopefully I get to keep my dollar, but who knows. Maybe I'm not invisible.
I am curious to what this means... Enlighten me.
It's something people would say in the 80s (I think), Yo MTV Raps lingo....
First example (In the form of a question):
Homie #1: " hey Vato, did you hear that Ernie got locked up?"
Homie #2: "word?"
Guy #1: "hey, did you hear that Ernie is in jail"
Guy # 2: "seriously?" ...or "for real?"
Where are you from?
Ok cool....
.... where's my steemit $1 😬😂
It can also be used as a statement....
For example:
Guy#1: "that girl is hot!"
Guy#2: "word."
Translation: "I agree."