Failure - reason why we don't achieve excellence
- Unwillingness to take risks
- Lack of persistence
- Instant Gratification
- lack of priorities
- Looking for shortcuts
- Selfishness and greed
- Lack of conviction
- Unwillingness to prepare
- Unwillingness to plan
- Rationalising
- Not learning from the past mistakes
- Inability to recognise opportunity
- Fear
- Inability to use talent
*Lack of discipline - Low self - esteem
- Lack of knowledge
- Fatalistic attitude
- Lack of purpose
- Lack of courage
Congratulations! You have completed some achievement on Steemit .
To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Please upvote my post too! Thanks for the support and lets help the Steemit community together!
Hi, I just followed you :-) Follow back and we can help each other succeed! @hatu