The building of the pyramids.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by Egypt and the pyramids. I can't exactly explain why but for me there was a deep rooted connection to something more than what is accepted as the status quo. I could never accept what I learned in school or what I read about in books. To me there where hidden secrets that the logical mind could not fathom or accept so they where kept hidden. Take the pyramids for example. How is it that these mega structures have existed for so long but still no hard evidence has come to light that would at least prove some element of how they where built ?

It was only after my interest in Nikola Tesla did I start to take another look at the mysteries of Egypt. For some reason my mind would put the two of them in the same category so I let my logical mind take a back seat and let my imagination wander. After doing some investigation on Tesla's oscillator I found that during his experiment phase with the device he caused a massive tremor from his New York apartment lab which cause stone to crumble. The tremor was felt a good distance from the epicentre which drew attention to the event in which after switching of the device Tesla looked out the window to the crowd that had formed and declared that they had missed an amazing experiment. All this was done with a machine that was about 7 inches long and weighed less than 2 pounds. Interesting right.

What Tesla was experimenting with was vibration. He proved that a small amount of vibration could be used to agitate and effect objects on a much grander scale. And all he needed to do was find the resonance frequency of the material and tune the oscillator to match the frequency. Much like the way an army marching on a bridge could cause the bridge to react massively if the marching synced to the movement of the bridge.

Taken what I learned about Tesla and his oscillator I began to dig deeper and started looking for images of the device when I found this.

The above image is Nikola Teslas electro-mechanical oscillator in operation. Instantly when I seen this image I thought Ankh. When comparing the two side by side they look unbelievably similar.

![Tesla osciilator.jpg](

Weird coincidence that a four thousand year old ancient symbol looks very much like a device capable of tuning into the frequency of matter.

All that aside I started looking at Ankh's and what they where used for. Still everything I read was speculation and no hard evidence existed to me for what there true purpose was. The hieroglyphs for an ankh are similarly interesting.
Screen Shot 2017-10-26 at 17.29.25.png

The conclusion to all this for me and are totally my own opinions is this. What if an ancient civilisation existed that was capable of vibrational manipulation. What if they could tap into the frequency of the world around them and adapt to the matter they where in contact with. If they could somehow tune into this frequency they would be capable of moving the objects with ease the same way a basketball player can get a basketball off the ground by using vibration alone. What if the Ankh was the device that allowed for this to happen. The hieroglyph for an Ankh shows a symbol for waves and and what I would say looks like a symbol for matter.

I believe that there are secrets being kept from humanity regarding our true origins and those secrets lie within the tunnels and chambers in Egypt that are being destroyed by those who do not want this information to get out to the masses. There is more to suggest that the pyramids where created long before the dates that are commonly accepted and that there was a civilisation that excelled in astronomy and calculation and where at a conscious level far greater than we give them credit for.

For me I will keep my mind open and question everything that is too logical. As I truly believe the answers lie in ways of thinking that we have left behind, thousands of years ago.

All ideas and opinions in this post are simply that, ideas and opinions.

Thanks for reading.

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