creative sanctuary in progress
the new office is so close to being done. I'll be posting full pics of the process and finished product soon.
the new office is so close to being done. I'll be posting full pics of the process and finished product soon.
i like the its organisation, hope it wll be done by tuesday
It's getting there.. got lots of new file cabinets
hahahaha,alright nice time bro
Yeah man, look at that vinyl!
So stoked to get a new turntable
I wish, mine takes two people to move it.
Amazing it looks maybe I'd get to see more
Office or mancave ?
good job either way :)
Is that a mannequin arm???
It's for a tattoo sleeve project
Right? Just making sure there wasn't some odd fetish you hadn't shared with the class :P You got a sketch drawn up for it already or...?