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RE: The Yugas and Shiva

in #life7 years ago

My own quest for truth through self education started about 5 years ago after reading the book "Holy Science". I had heard of Plato's Great Year before but I didn't really give it much thought until after reading this book. Accepting the possibility that human consciousness can rise and fall in 24,000 year cycles has opened up avenues for understanding that explains so much for me that I think the cycle must be true, but I've yet to see a truly convincing theory for the cause of it. The theories set forth in the book and expanded upon by Walter Cruttenden are interesting but I don't see how they can directly affect consciousness. I have my own theories as to the cause, but would be interested to hear your thoughts on what causes the rising and falling of human consciousness. On a related note, I've recently re-read the Christian bible with an eye towards Astrotheology. While this has given me new insight into much of the allegory, interestingly I've also come to believe in the truth of long lives and giant stature of men in past ages and believe that the physical mechanism for this must be related to level of consciousness. Do you feel this way also?



I thank you for your thoughtful reply.

The very structure of our universe is a sort of oscillation of energies. Take for example if you view a light bulb through a very slow motion camera of many frames per second, and you will see the light "flicker" as light itself is a wavelength and nothing that is on all the time. The same goes for the greater cycles and oscillations, including our own cycles of consciousness.

The ancients understood this innately.

As far as the long-lived lives in the bible, I think perhaps the "years" was mistranslated from "moon cycles" perhaps. I personally do not feel that a human's life can go very far beyond 120 years (but I'm always ok with being wrong about this).

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