The Reset Button of my Life – My Recovery Diary 2017 - Part 16

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Facing Death

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. Source: Wikipedia

Just November 2016 was grey the following month went black. Even though December 2016 started pretty “normal.”
I’m receving my 4th Vidaza treatment starting Monday 12/05 until Sunday 12/11. My permanent aching tooth is being oppressed by pain killers during that time. The doctors don’t want to extract the wisdom tooth during the Vidaza treatment. I do have an appointment though: Monday, December 12th this painful beast is being removed. For real!
On Tuesday, the 13th of December I am getting 100.4 fever, on Wednesday it reaches 102.2 and I end up in the ER. Blood withdrawal and different pap tests. December 14th I receive the first statement: I have Klebsiella pneumoniae in my blood. Multiresistant germs. Sh…

My fever and pain increases. On Friday, December 15th my left cheek swells up to a big infected bump. Jar abbess.
During the tooth surgery some germs must have entered here as well. On Satrudat, December 17th I’m undergoing an emergency surgery. My jar is being opened from the outside and a channel is being formed to my mouth. The original aim was that wound liquid can drain, but nothing happens. Everything is dry. I’m out of leukocytes which is why my body cannot react. I feel worse day by day. Even as an optimist I begin to have doubts about surviving this. So do the doctors it seems.

After the Emergency Surgery, 12/17/2016

On Wednesday, December 21st Dr. Hatem explains how critical the situation is. But he still has an ace in the sleeve, wants to try a promising treatment method. The Granulocytes donation of a fitting, voluntary, non-related donor.
For your info: Granulocytes are scavenger cells and belong to the white blood cells. Approx. half of all leukocytes are granulocytes. Granulocytes are able to eat and destroy germs.

Blood Brothers

Immediately, my wife asks around within friends and acquaintances. Surprisingly we receive a lot of positive responses. My two sons-in-law as well as several friends and acquaintances declare their willingness to donate Granulocytes. As soon as the next day the first checks begin for some of them to see if they are a fit. The statistically likelihood is at about 50%. In my case, ALL OF THE CHECKED INDIVIDUALS are a fit!
I’m stoked! :)

The doctors choose one of my sons-in-laws.

Preparations for the donor.

Preparations for the Granulocytes Donation, 12/26/2016

The Granulocytes Donation is a stress factor for the donor as well. The night prior to the donation he has to inject a hormone like substance (G-CSF, Granulocytes Colony Stimulation Factor). G-CSF stimulates the production of Granulocytes in your bone marrow and the discharge of the same in your blood. The following day the blood of the donor is lead through a machine and the granulocytes are separated and saved with the help of a centrifuge. The remaining blood is lead back to the donor through the other arm vein. The procedure takes several hours.

Foto: Withdrawal from donor. 12/27/2016

My Christmas Tree 2016

Arrival of the Granulocytes with me. 12/27/2016

Granulocytes IV 12/27/2016

I receive the donated granulocytes on Tuesday, 12/27/2016.
As soon as the next day the wound on my jar begins to leak and my fever increases. I feel like this is a good fever though. It’s cleaning up…
The year 2016 is fading and I’m hopeful. In the following days the fever stops. Right before midnight on 12/31/2016 I meet up in the recreation room with a few of my fellow patients to ring in the New Year with half a glass of sparkling wine.
12:15 am I’m back in bed watching the fireworks of a nearby community. The rest of the night I make plans for 2017.

Part 15:
Part 10: Land Ahoy! - The big Update
Part 1: Life is beautiful.

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