Leadership qualities and ways to develop them

in #life4 years ago

Leadership is important not only for generals and rulers. This quality helps in study, work, business, thanks to it you can become the soul of the company and build relationships. But what if this skill is missing? What is leadership and how do you master it? What actions help to rise above others, to become the first among them?

Of course, we are talking about primitive instincts, but in human society, many parallels can be drawn. True, unlike the animal world, a person can achieve leadership without having outstanding physical characteristics or aggressiveness.

Very often, the "first violins" are played by smart people, with a developed intellect and wide erudition. Let's talk about what else helps to turn into a leader and organize the activity of other people.


One and the same person, finding himself in different situations, can either dominate or not get the right to do so. The key word is "get" because leadership is bestowed on a person as a sign of deep respect and recognition.

The leader is not the one who takes away, the leader is the one to whom they give, and they do it voluntarily. Therefore, only the person who was at the right time, where needed, can rise to the top of the hierarchical pyramid.

Sometimes, in order to gain leadership, it is enough to be the first to declare their right to it. For example, raise your hand when electing a class leader. If everything succeeds, the initiative will have to be demonstrated further - to gather a team, come up with ideas for a pastime, and resolve controversial issues.

Leadership role is not a privilege, but a hassle, since it implies constant involvement in the life of the team, responsibility for its well-being and integrity. Let's talk about this function now.

To make it easier to cope with responsibility to the team, to always be reliable and caring, it is necessary to develop empathy or empathy. People with leadership qualities are expected to support and understand. This is especially evident in religious and public organizations. Party leaders also use empathy.

True, their philanthropy rarely deceives anyone, but in the elections, all the same, this mechanism works. In general, the leadership in the team is sometimes won not by the one who is smarter or stronger, but who thinks more about others, solves their issues, helps to become better.

Some philosophers even talk about healthy altruism, which is more effective than selfishness. By helping others, a person creates a positive image for himself, which makes it easier to achieve his own goals. People are more willing to follow such a person, believing in the disinterestedness of his thoughts.

Leadership based on dedication is one of the most unshakable. People around them rarely try to challenge a person's right to power if they show genuine concern for other people.

Another skill that is vital in leadership is charisma. It is difficult to explain it from the standpoint of simple biochemistry, hormones, pheromones. If charm is more likely associated with a pleasant appearance and manner of communication, then charisma has a certain aura of mystery, almost a supernatural nature.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to understand it, charisma is unequivocally widespread in society and it is those who are endowed with it that get the opportunity to gather other people around them. Charisma can be obtained from nature, you can try to develop it yourself.


On the one hand, experience and knowledge determine leadership in any area of ​​human life, but have defined them as special skills because in different cases different experience or knowledge will be useful.

For example, the experience of knocking out debts will not benefit a school teacher, just as knowledge of astronomy will not be useful in a collection office. In general, these qualities can be called professionalism, which is effective in specific situations.

The outbreak of hostilities can give leadership to people who work as ordinary loaders or security guards who got a job after the army. Their experience in military service will be more important than all the diplomas and training that pompous leaders distinguished a few days ago.

This example shows that there are different types of leadership, respectively, and it is possible to get it for absolutely different reasons.


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