
Cute, conflating making sense with making money. Side note, my mom doesn't waste her time making blog posts that leech money away from other contributors. Playing the devils idiot, let's just say your mom is quite well off. That makes this whole situation even more pathetic. Maybe we could feel bad if she really needed those extra upvotes, but since she's already set it just seems out of touch and kind of narcissistic.
You can find me if you want, not really concerned.
Who knows, maybe along the way you'll also find where the miscellaneous bullshit volcano poems section is located.

on the blockchain

Lol looks like we got a couple of professionals here. Must be fresh from the social justice warrior cottage industry with this caliber of fiendish ego stroking. Chill out brochacho the cheetos are getting to your head, take a deep breath.... and exhale, and inhale a handful of cheetos.... and exhale. Much better. Now look, idk why you're showing me some ohio complaint. But that shit's hilarious, man you people have absolutely no life at all if you think I'm going to be scared because you filed some whiny internet complaints where you "can't provide any personal information" on either yourself or the other party. Damn that's some mighty powerful stupid you got there... Look I'll make it easy, give me your personal info and I'll set up all the court shit for you, worry not me dear ; ). Unless you're scared of court... don't over extend your bedsores rushing to get me you're info, I'm already expecting to wait

on the blockchain

'you didnt understood you are getting your face slaped? or you need "evidence" to report me?'
This is def my pick for top play of the game. Too rich man too rich.

  1. You do realize this stems from you getting insulted aka pimp slapped aka educated because you tried to play up some complaint you filed that had NO Evidence or even the minimum basic required information? fuq kind of shit you doing hoss? Damn, must of gotten into some stale the nacho dipshit dorritos or something.
    Oh right
  2. I do have evidence retard, you already provided it.. What I asked for was your personal info, then I take the paranoid/OCD/schizonoid non-compliant complaint you filed. And when it matches up you can suffer the consequences for filing false claims, yeah that's what happens when you like to play smart games only to be slapped stupid. Total ass backwards logic must be your schtick, it's like the facts lie right in the face of every shitcase I checkmate. You're a nobody schlep bro, get real. Wah wah wah come back with some more unintelligible psychobable and I'll give you the 2 for 1 deal. You get the legal and mental health checkups all at once, heck I'll throw in a touchdown, KO, and a homerun on top of that. Tbh I don't normally do that, but I'm getting bored with just dunking on your ass.


done =)

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