Good teammates from Steemit !!!
In this opportunity I bring you a really fascinating and incredible posrt! So much so that even I myself was surprised that this was happening! All the attention will be taken by this beautiful kitten called '' Mascarita '', I will present here bellow..
It is very beautiful and very photogenic.
Now the interesting thing comes in this post! You can see her sleeping peacefully, purring and dreaming that she walks in clouds of croquettes hahahaha, yes! he loves eat. I'll show you one more photo of her sleeping.
Up to here everything normal, common, without anything incredible that one can say: Waaaau! This is great, I had not seen it anywhere else. If you have not already said it, wait a few seconds now you will say it!
My '' Mascarita '' has a very peculiar and unique way of sleeping. She sleeps with the body totally twisted! So much so that it gives nerves to see it that way! Do you want to see her sleeping in a totally strange way? If your answer is '' YES '' then more abajito is one of your photos. And if your answer is '' NO '', then make the effort to do it since this is not seen often !!! Come on!
Look closely at the image, it's totally real, do not fake hahaha. His body is totally crooked, but I think that sleep like that, he sleeps like that for hours and does not feel any pain when he wakes up (only to eat hahahaha).
I'm surprised to see her sleeping like this, it reminds me of this movie character, do not be scared ...
Although it's a joke, it can be a good comparison!
I will show you one more photo of '' Mascarita '', so that you do not believe that this happened once, if not many are already with it.
What is the elasticity of this little kitty, do not you think? It's great to see her sleeping like that and even more, being able to caress her. It's a gift from God!
Now you try to sleep that way! hahahaha I challenge you to try, I already tried and there is no way, I woke up in pain.
And here ends this post, but many more will come, I hope you could have loved and surprised how cats enjoy their elasticity and take advantage to surprise us. Soon I will be uploading a lot of information related to the kittens! So they can understand them, understand their attitudes, what they want to tell us sometimes and many more things! Follow me so you can be aware. Thank you very much for reading my post! Until a next opportunity! Good day to all.
nice post @gatobaby
Thank you @andrimahzar
Lovely shots! I'll bet your darling furkid must have been an acrobat or gymnast in her past life! :D
Hi hi

i love Cats
cats are funny sometimes.
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