Cake, chocolate, sugar, spice and all that's nice. Story of MesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This is my eternal struggle, a fight that a lot of us fight day by day.

Each day I have to say to myself....Not today Mister, maybe tomorow, I will treat myself tomorow.

This is not a weight or dieting struggle, yeah I am a bit overweight and a belly that slows me down a little bit but, I have made peace with my body a long time ago. This is a struggle with Type 2 Diabetes. I was diagnosed a couple of years or so back and although this was not the reason for going to the doc that day it is the present she left me with.

At first I felt like my world was tumbling down a deep dark abyss and everything that was me was suddenly lost.

Visits to the dietician multiple times, walking away with lists of what to eat and what to avoid, dos and don'ts left me more confused than I ever was. The depression that follows is almost body is letting me down and my life is over.

After the initial shock and wanting to lock myself in a dark room a light started flickering in my mind: "You can get through this." That's when my research mind kicked in and I started reading as much as I could get my hands on. I spent hours on the net trying to find answers and a way to live with this wall that just popped up in my life.

At first I changed everything in my food cupboard, nothing was good enough and if it had an inclination of any carbs or sugar it was out the door and into the bin. My poor housemate and long term friend suffered through it all with me....noooooo sodas .......NOOOOOO BREAD and above all no ALCOHOL the most evil of evils. I think this was the most major change in my life.


I was never an abuser of alcohol in my mind but as any young male, unmarried with no children I could have a couple without getting an earful. I never really went partying during the week as I have a very responsible character and being hungover at work just did not work for me.


On the weekend was a different story and we frequented pubs, clubs and had many house parties. My friends usually knew when I was in a party mood, they would joke and say the "TRAIN IS COMING," as soon as the vodka and redbull came out. When this train started going very little could stop it and no brakes would work. Luckily everybody always had a great time as I am a very funny and loveable drunky.

Hindsight... All those sugar rushes getting drunk and hangovers on Sundays recovering from a weekend partying, drinking sodas to ease the pain and the headaches was a major contributer to my situation. My biggest loss here was not the alcohol but that fun-loving, loveable teddybear I became when I was drunk. I was left with "serious me" who was always responsible, can't tell a joke for the life of me and struggled to have fun with all my friends.

No sodas ?

This was not that hard for me as I was always a big water drinker. Missed it a little but coke was a friend when I was at work on the sites and the sun was burning down on us. It was a great energy boost when you needed that lil extra but of course it was pure sugar.


No BREAD noooooooo..... How will I survive?

I basically was brought up on bread. It made up at least two meals of each day, breakfast and lunch with a good meal most nights that included vegetables in my parents house. It was me and how I lived all my life. Grownup me worked outside and all over the place. Waking up at 5 am and getting home late left little time for wholesome cooking and healthy packed lunches. BREAD was the go-to and BURGERS and PIES were the staple food during the day. When I could get home early enough to cook we would have some veggies but some nights we were to tired or lazy to cook and ended with more burgers and pizzas..... more bread

This was most probably the hardest thing to shed from my life. It's been a part of me for so long and a friend to depend on when the sudden hunger strikes. There is nothing like the smell of freshly baked rolls, almost comparable to bacon.


Irresistible ....

To ease the withdrawal I tried these puffed breads, basically air if you ask me. Tried the seed type breads but then out of the blue got another bad diagnosis called diverticulitus and then eating anything with seed or roughage was out the window.


What was I left with...... lettuce???

Eventually I brought my sugar levels down and although I still had to take medication it seemed under control with a very strict diet of lettuce...lettuce and more fucking lettuce...joking there was some broccoli in there.

I started experimenting ( the researching me ) having a slice here and there but keeping a close eye on sugar levels. I realised with the amount of daily activities on the construction sites that it gave me a small window of leeway to cheat a little bit here and there with no real bad sugar level spikes still keeping things under control. I kept my alcohol consumption down to a minimum and THE TRAIN has maybe left the station once or twice in the last couple of years. I still like that teddybear but the consequences the next day is just not worth all the hugs. I have learned other ways to get those hugs in any case.


So while you read this during your lunch and chuck down that Subway and coke I dont want you to stop eating anything you love, eat that sarmie , just not every meal, drink that cola, just not 2 gallons of it, drink a whiskey with water, not that vodka and redbull and you could prevent having to go through what I did.

I now live a much more balanced life and step out every now and then. All hard work needs to be rewarded, just not today....


Not going to lie, trying to figure out what to eat and what not to eat has been a challenge for me. But I'll definitely refer back to this post.

Thanks for this!

Thank you for the reply and most of all thank you for reading. It is such a great challenge to try keep things interesting.

Beautifully written post! I enjoyed it very much and having a mother who deals with this, I have first hand observation of this struggle. I am trying to learn from her experience and do everything I can to be more balanced and healthy. Recently I started what can be called a low carb lifestyle, no bread, no sodas, no junk food. Cheers on your journey!

Thanks lucyjane, iappreciate the wonderfull review and good luck on that low carb diet... it is not easy. Very few restaurants cater for it here in South Africa and it is a real struggle. Hope you all the best 😋

You're very welcome, I hold much respect for you in the fact that you chose to make difficult life decisions to promote your health after your diagnosis... Your family will appreciate it. I can't imagine how it is there in South Africa, but here in the US there are so many choices for poor eating you are assaulted on every side with temptation lol. That's why I do my own cooking all the time. I'm not doing too bad, two months in and have gotten past the cravings and just plain hunger, ha! Now I'm starting to enjoy real food, and when I have given in to temptation I find I don't enjoy it as much as I thought in my mind I would. Oh, the irony lol. Alcohol is a difficult one for me also. If you ever need encouragement or lifting up in your journey, I will keep some on reserve just for you! 😊

Im sure a time will come to take you on that offer.

One of your best posts yet! Awesome writing and pictures! When I think of being diagnosed it frightens me. Can't imagine what you went through! Sounds like you adjusted well and grew out of your bad habits. Well done for you! I know it's hard. Expecially the alcohol. I must admit I was a bit of an abuser, the fun teddy bear I completely understand. No great story ever starts of with without mentioning how many beers you already had! Hold my beer and check this out! Hehe. I'm getting used to not drinking. Life seems more boring and dull, but the person I am becoming now is so much more productive and "REAL" even if it means less fun. I do crave a beer every now and then especially because it's summer time here. I made a 100 Day promise to myself so have to stick to it. You did well mate! Really a job well done! Happy to hear you are still enjoying the little pleasures in life, I know they are very important to keep our own sanity. I still enjoy an unhealthy meal from time to time, but not all the time. You are awesome mate, keep it up!

Wow scrooger, my best comment yet. I cannot say thank you enough for the praises but @sweetsssj tought me a lil about what blogging is really about. This is but my second post about me and yea that post button.... good luck with the 100 days.... alchohol is a breeze to leave if it was not already a physical addiction. Yea the party is a lil bit boring bt I learnt to get high on the vibe and evryone having fun with me. My friends quickly accepted that I cant and loved me enough to want me there for the long run and not only the one party.

2nd post about you?! Wow, great job then! Looked and read really well! Share your secrets that @sweetsssj told you! Hehe. Seriously though, that is really a big thing you did. Big ups to you. Most people think quitting is easy. Until they try it. Seems like you made easy work of it and are now a better person because of it. Awesome, just awesome. Sounds like you have some great friends too. I'm lucky enough to also have some supporting friends. Haven't gone out again though. Only dinner here and there. Their support is greatly appreciated. Keep it up and looking forward to your next post!

Upvoted this amazing post...
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Thank you very much, it took some self exploring but hopefully brought it to you in a upbeat light

This is put together nicely and it's inspirational to me.. I drink way too many sugary drinks and it wouldn't be a bad idea to follow some of your foot steps, but I could never give up bread hahaha. Thanks for the positive share and wish you the best continuing forward in your life.

Thanks for leaving me a comment, yeaaaa man the bread.. its a killer and poison to the body but oh so nice

Thanks for a great post. Picture is great too

Thanks, that is a great compliment

This is a beautifully honest and vulnerable post. You share a truly difficult struggle with levity and candor. Thank you, I'm following and have connected with you on the #minnowsupportproject.

Thanks for a great comment, that project has really been a great help to me now and for sure more so in the future

Great post.

Thank you for taking time to read.

thanks for sharing upvoted and followed

Hi rolynikita, thank you very much, it really gives me a smile when someone like what i wrote and take the time to leave a comment

Resteeming! I love this ;)

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