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RE: Is It Ethical To Eat Meat?

in #life8 years ago

The way you can tell if something is humane is by asking if you would like it to happen to yourself. No sentient being wants to die unless they're terminally and or mentally ill. Other than that, there no such thing as ethical slaughter. If you think not then you're kidding or lying to yourself, both of which are extremely foolish.

Veganism isn't about being perfect, it's about doing the best you can to avoid cruelty and exploitation. With regards to the displacement and killing of animals accidentally as side effect of agriculture, please stop with the FUD:
Also, beef requires more plant matter to produce then the return in caloric value one gets back from the dead flesh. This makes it an inefficient means of energy transfer. Think about this, everyone in the world could be fed if the feed we used for farm animals was directed toward other humans. We currently have enough resources to feed 10 billion people this very moment but, instead we use it feeding the enslaved, abused, raped, tortured and eventually murdered animals.

We are destroying the future as the livestock industry is the largest contributor of green house gasses, one of the biggest pollution problems we are facing and the greatest waste of water to date. One pound of beef requires 600 gallon of water and in the south western USA, there is a shortage and this will increase in the coming years.

I'm not going to mention the health benefits of being vegan in this post but, i can tell you it's a huge plus. If you do your research you'll find this out yourself. It's selfish to think your taste-buds matter more than the lives of our fellow earthling. As Bill Gates and now many are saying, "Plant based diets are the future!".


Yes, I agree. I would rather die quickly from a gunshot to the head than starve nearly to death, then be pulled down by a wolf and torn open to be eaten while I die suffering great pain. Thank you for making my point.

As for health, without processed supplementation and distance foods, western veganism is not healthy. Try to live off what grows in 30 miles of any US city. Natural full health can only be achieved with meat and leafy vegetables.

For you to imply that starvation and or death by predatory carnivores would only be the outcome of livestock if everyone became vegan/vegetarian at the same time. This assumption would be incorrect:

Farmers markets, which provide fresh, sustainable and locally produced produce are growing rapidly across North America.

According to science. Plant based diets are the way to health, wellness and even reversing hereditary and or environmental conduced pathology.

The China study debunks itself. That's old and false propaganda. I can do a better job of defending vegetarianism than it did.

Debunk this @baerdric

Other studies show that increased grain consumption is the major factor in some of those same studies. They count a burger and fries as meat, when the meat is only 1/10th of the food eaten.

what studies were they @baerdric?

I'm not here to refute veganism. It does take transported, processed, and fertilized food to sustain, but that's not the point. The point is that eating meat is not the world destroying murder of otherwise immortal animals who are more valuable than humans.

Here's the real difference. If I want to eat meat, I eat meat. If you don't want to eat meat, you try to stop everyone else from eating meat or call them murderers.

So be a vegan, I don't care. As I said, and everyone seems to ignore, I was a vegetarian for 35 years. Probably more than most of the commenters on this thread. What you don't know is that I worked in co-ops, started a large sprout business, have always grown my own organic fruits and vegetables, and raised my child vegetarian.

Then I learned better.

So do what you want. Just don't call me ignorant, unconscious, a murderer, selfish, or all the other things people have called me on this thread. Or, at least, don't expect me to take those labels from people who can only see one side. My use of locally produced, grass fed, humanely slaughtered meat is not unethical. It reduces cruelty, improves diversity, and heals the land.

I noticed you said you were vegetarian, however, consuming dairy & eggs is still pretty horrific. Sorry for going there but cows are continually raped in order to keep producing milk and their calves are dragged away from them - it's pretty distressing to watch. Once they no longer produce milk it's off to the slaughter house. Chickens aren't treated much better - have you ever seen a conveyer belt of thousands of male baby chicks being dropped into a grinder because they serve no purpose?

It saddens me deeply.

Obviously you don't even know that vegetarianism is. Goodbye.

Since we were just bringing up point and facts, you didn't have to make this personal. Now, since you did here goes.

You say you're not here to refute veganism yet you bring up many arguments to do exactly that. Veganism is about bringing rights to animal which ones that are agriculturally produced, don't have. They should be equal or it makes one a bigoted carnist spiciest.

No one said you can't or your not allowed to eat meat. We merely bring up valid reason as why people shouldn't. If i pay a hitman to kill someone and they get caught and rat on the contractor, guess who else is going to jail? That right so the shoe fits. A spade is a spade and will be call so as logic dictates.

We know you don't care. You were vegetarian and turned your back which makes it quite obvious. It's like saying, "I was a pastor for 55 year but then I needed to kill people because i learned better!" Good job! No one cares what you did. I didn't bring up my personal life to try to prove to people that i was a good person before, so i don't see why there was a need to defend oneself except for the fact that someone got butthurt from the other's truthful comments.

Lastly you tell us we to do what we want but, only you can tell us what not to do? Can you please make up your mind? People are going to say exactly what they think and what they think is quite accurate. Exploiting and murdering anything that doesn't want to die is unethical, unless you think it's okay for someone to kill you right now or soon. What do you say? Yeah i thought so! Wait, it can be done by lethal injection because it's less cruel! YAY! So, do everyone a favour and please can you stop with the superiority complex and the attempt to justify your cognitive dissonance already? You state that you've learned after attempting to refute and then ignoring fact and cites that were provided, I would call that de-education but that's my opinion which I am actually 100% entitled too on blockchain social media.

Thank you!

Really? I've been called a murderer for three days and now it's going to get personal? LOL...

If the shoe fits.. Well, i was expecting more. Sad, what a let down! PFFT!!

Implying that starvation or death of livestock by predatory carnivores would only hold true if everyone went vegan/vegetarian almost all at the same time. This premise however would not hold true as per the video in the previously reply

@baerdric Western Veganism isn't healthy? What is western Veganism? Why is it not healthy and where are you getting yet another made up fact from? If a plant based diet isn't healthy does that mean you only eat dead animal to get your nutrients?

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