Never Give Up

in #life6 years ago

I know you may be going through a lot right now,
I know you might be tired of same disappointed over and over again.pexels-photo-279415.jpeg
Just know nothing stays the same forever.
It doesn't matter how many times you fall, all that counts is how you get back on your feet. Nothing ever comes easy, continuous hardwork and learning are the keys to success. I just want you to know that situation you find yourself currently is not permanent, all you need to do is dust yourself up and tell yourself It is time.
It is time to move forward.
It is time to forget the past but keep the lessons.
It is time to dust yourself and get moving again.
It is time to show the people who always thought you were a loser that they were so wrong.
You are a winner.
You are awesome.
Nobody can tell you otherwise.
All it takes to change what they think is your mind.
It all starts with the your mindpexels-photo-583437.jpeg

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