Mom Diary, 3rd entry... I Think

in #life6 years ago

Dear Mom Diary,


It's summer. It started out with a big heat wave. Not what we are used to around here in the north. It is hot, humid and sticky.

It is a good thing we have a kiddy pool and a sprinkler to keep cool outside but sometimes it is just too hot to be outside. The kids get cranky and tired and can just be outright nasty.

Aaden has been showing that he has a bad temper. Anything he doesn't like or does not go his way, he does this flexing thing of his body and his face turns red. We call it 'going full Hulk' lol. I really wish he would stop it. He is too much in his head. I try to change his ways of thinking by saying just a little thing instead of focusing on the problem which in turn makes him focus on it more.

Yesterday's episode was about a chip that broke in half. He was getting in his sisters face, literally, when she didn't do anything. He even said she didn't do anything but I guess he felt that she had to be the bearer of his release. My husband called me to come to the situation as he didn't even know how to address the situation. He was telling me this and that and there was Aaden going full Hulk. So I stopped, waited for him to stop and just said, "it's just a chip".

Quickly, his mood changed his eyes were brightened and a smile on his face and said, "Ya it is just a chip" and giggled a bit. Then he apologized to his 2 little sisters.

Now even though that stopped the situation from getting really bad. I still have to think about how to get this mini Hulk dude from turning into a big Hulk dude. I am still sitting with that one.

So far this summer the kids have slept over at a friends house, at the cottage and at my parents place. We played in the backyard and slept in the camper that is parked in our driveway twice.

We have said that we would plan on doing more but time is escaping us. How to plan for these things to work out when there is always so much to do. Managing time and activities is not a skill that I own. I know I have to write everything down in order to make things work but with the way things have been going that I have not mentioned, my memory is once again being affected, thus I am forgetting to write things down.

Isn't it silly how things work? And on top of that being a mom, dealing with every single thing, it is exhausting.


The highlights of this past week have been great. Frankie has been talking a lot more, forming phrases even and surprising me with many new words. I just love her personality. I love that girl!


My boy is quicker to say sorry and despite his arguing at times, he is arguing less and getting more along with his siblings and is more willing to help. Him and Emma have even washed the inside of the fridge while I was gone grocery shopping! Amazing kids. I love them to death!

Emma has been more needy lately. Cries to have me with her or her older brother. Now sometimes it gets annoying cause she can really throw a fit over it. But the highlight there just shows me how much love she has to give. All the more reason to give her twice as much back.

I really do hope we can give these kids a great summer. This is their time, I want to make the most of it <3

Thanks for being there Mom Diary, you've helped me reflect on some things. xx


Wow hulk bluffing. That's a new one (well to me everything involving kids is likely new). Good call on that one :)

And yeah this blasted heat is enough to make everyone go crazy....

I never thought chips were so important ;)

I hope you are keeping nice and cool. I know its even more hot over there.

I love these mom diaries! Keeps it so real! I am so glad that we are enjoying bits of the summer with you! Makes the extreme heat bearable!

Thank you!

The lake was warm today, I was actually thinking that the lake we went to yesterday was better since it was colder and more refreshing. Even Emma asked to go back there even though she was in the water. I'm seriously thinking about going again. Perhaps even camp out there so that at night when I'm sweating, I could just walk in the water stay there a couple minutes and go back to bed lol.

That would be awesome!! Just have to make sure the mosquitos don't carry you off first!!

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