in #life7 years ago (edited)
When we hear we are perceiving sounds through our ears, however, listening is something more complex, when we listen we expand our mental structure, because we analyze and interpret, reaching conclusions and even our own criteria; applying "active listening"; communication technique, where a person not only hears, but he / she pays attention to the sender and at the same time can make feedback with the information processed. To hear, a sound hearing and a perceptible sound are sufficient, while listening and listening are necessary and premeditated.


It should be noted that when a person is willing to listen he does it actively. Therefore, the person who listens does so voluntarily and intentionally. However, frequently, we are prone to hear and not listen, which can cause negative consequences with the people with whom we usually relate, by not applying active listening in the communication process.

The main differences between listening and hearing are:

  • Listening belongs to the interpretive order of language versus hearing that is included in the physiological territory.
  • Listening implies the interpretation of language giving meaning to sound versus hearing that involves simply perceiving sound.
  • Listening is active in front of hearing that it is passive. We can stop listening when we want.
  • Listening implies the realization of a physical and mental effort. While to hear is not necessary such effort.

Source: http://www.alexrovira.com/reflexiones/blog/articulo/saber-escuchar-saber-hablar

Main reasons why people do not listen:

Show little interest in the subject. In general, bad listeners consider that certain topics are too tedious to deserve their attention, and consequently, they lose interest in the message, ignoring its usefulness or importance.
React before time. There are listeners who judge the subject before listening to it completely, which has the consequence that the message can not be analyzed.
Pretend attention. A classic posture of those who do not know how to listen is to look at the sender and nod without having any idea of ​​what the person is saying, pretending a "false attention".
Be prone to distractions. Bad listeners are prone to distraction easily. Either by moving too much or talking to the person next to them, they soon interfere with their own attention and that of others.
Polluted thinking. Some people, while listening to another person, keep their mind occupied with problems or things that are pending because the message is not conceived in its entirety and an effective feedback is received.


  • Pay total attention to the speaker.

  • Shows open body language.

  • Avoid judging.

  • Interrupts only when strictly necessary.

  • Refer to the details you remember.

  • Repeat what you just heard.

  • Make an emotional connection with the message.

  • Request more information with appropriate questions.

The way we communicate with others and with ourselves, determines the quality of our lives.

                                                                                             Anthony Robbins

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