Chakra Pyramids - Muladahara
Chakra Pyramids - Muladahara
Red chakra color meanings:
The first, the root and base chakra. Just like the core of Mother Earth, it pulses and swells with bright crimson radiant heat. That red is a clear sign of visceral, primitive power. It's the sparking place for big blasts of raw creation. When you see red, consider a sonic boom of powerful action propelling you forward. Consider this the spark of action. Make this red heat the seat of your physical/spiritual birth. This is the hot coal of your perception, and it's a great fuel-maker for whatever you want to start cooking.
For more info about chakra check out @YogaWithTone, she knows a lot about this subject and I don't, so I'll let others speak on this subject, and I can take the pictures.
Location: All Around You
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
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