Chakra Pyramids - Manipura
Chakra Pyramids - Manipura
Yellow chakra color meanings:
The third, solar plexus chakra. Moving out of the prime center of raw matter, having joined with polarity we now come into a seat of personal power and awareness. Yellow is the dawning of a new perception. As the sun is the center of our galaxy, the third chakra is a golden energetic orb of centralized force. It can feed us, sustain us, teach us, and magnify our (already magnificently intense) ancillary energies. Yellow is the beacon held under a magnifying glass. What we submit for contemplation is amplified by the solar plexus chakra. This is because we have entered the dawn of specialized perception. When yellow gently strokes its fingertips across your awareness, it's prompting focus. Focus into the core of inner being, inner intelligence. This yellowy core asks us to honor the fullness of who we are.
Location: All Around You
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
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