
in #life7 years ago

Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political, financial, religious or ideological aim.

Around the world, terrorism have been experienced in many forms, from lone wolf attacks using knives and guns, to bombing innocent citizens and also seizing large swathe of land declaring it as republic enforcing their will on these territories, like in the case of Syria and Iraq where Isis captured large am swathe of land declaring a caliphate.
Women and children are the most affected by terrorism, women are subjected to slavery, rape and in many instances losing their fundamental rights. Children are also subjected to slavery, refused the right to education and in some instances, they are radicalized to become foot soldiers or suicide bombers.

Causes of Terrorism
Several factors have been identified by analysts and scholars as being responsible for terrorism in Nigeria. The factors range from corruption, poverty, unemployment, religious extremism, illiteracy among others.

Economic and political factors offer deeper insights into the causes of terrorism. We argue that economic deprivation, political marginalization, frustration and civil disobedience in Nigeria are by products of official corruption. When public officers and politicians at federal, State and local government levels steal public funds allocated to build schools, hospitals, industries and provision of basic social services like water, electricity and road infrastructure, Nigerians are denied good governance. The youths especially are negatively affected socially, psychologically and economically. “frustration, dejection and hopelessness remain as a daily experience in their lives. They can easily be brainwashed and indoctrinated into illegal activities and terrorism”. We make bold to say that terrorism, among other challenges, is the price we pay for producing a “reserved army” of depraved, deprived, frustrated and unemployed youths as a consequence of official corruption and a dysfunctional federal system of government. Let us proceed to demonstrate the interconnection between official corruption and terrorism in Nigeria.

Religion is one of the reason for terrorism. The world is inhabited by people of different beliefs and faith. Individuals or groups who are fanatical about their religion have high tendency of causing terror because of what they perceive to be part of their religion, in instances where this type of group or individuals share same country or region, they persecute people that are not of same religion as them or those that do not harbor same belief as them.

Socioeconomic deprivation can drive people to terrorism, poverty lack of education, and even lack of political freedom. The Boko Haram sect in Nigeria is as a result of economic deprivation and lack of education, the north eastern part of Nigeria is the poorest and the least in education and human development, coupled with the shrinking Lake Chad, which most people living in the region depend on for livelihood. The reduction in the size of Lake Chad have made fishermen and farmers jobless leaving them with little option, most of them have taken up arms.

Observation and Conclusion
The rate of terrorism is very alarming, though some countries have been successful in waging war against it, others have been having problems in overcoming it.


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