But no matter how hard we think we will not find an answer. The important psychologist Juan Pablo Martínez Herrera gave an explanation that however cold it is clear, Successful people commit suicide by not being happy, and that suicide is an act of desperation, a response to a very distress strong that does not calm down with anything, In the cases of people who have already achieved everything is that they realize that their happiness is not there, it is so that having everything and still feeling alone and dissatisfied decide to give a step to death.
And is that most of us have an error, is that we believe that happiness is to have money, fame and luxury, and that is why that ideal is pursued, but it is totally false because happiness is something that goes inside and not outside, something What you have to be clear about is that most people wear masks that is when people present themselves to others without giving their true face and without showing their true feelings.
But there are specialists who say that this happens more is famous people, these are a type of people who live by appearances so they have to show others that they are happy and they are fine, but many times inside they are very bad, and this type of people are the ones who have less freedom to express themselves and say what they feel and because of these many suffer to feel alone, and that is where they realize that the vast majority of people who are with them are only interested , That's why those people who seem to have everything like the famous comedy actor Robbie Williams who apparently was very happy, but it really was not so that's why I made that terrible decision as many have done, but ask yourself how is it that having it can you feel so bad?
Friends this is a question that as many of you I have also done, Here below I will be reading your opinions :)