Reality Shows

in #life8 years ago

Do contestants really think before entering a reality show?

I have been watching shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race etc for years now.  It never shocks me when I see someone do something that we all know would cause detrimental damage to their lives but still do it. 

Example, Jeff Varner, openly, without a thought, calls out a Transgender on the show. 

Did he really think before doing this? Did he realize before opening his mouth what damage he would cause, not only to his own game to the young mans life that he called out.  What made it worse was his failed attempt to back peddle on what he had done. 

I just don't get how anyone can go on Television act the way they do without a care about who they hurt, all in the name for money.

Yes, we all love money, it really is what makes the world go around. But my conscience and morals would never permit me to make such an ass of myself or anyone else. 

So I ask, if you had the oportunity to go on a national tv reality show, would you and if so, would you care about how you would be preceived and would it bother you to stomp on other people in your quest for the almighty title of winner?

Eagerly awaiting your responses. :)


I had a chance to go on a reality show but turned it down in the end. I do not recall the name of the show but it had 50 people follow someone around and offer them advice about a problem they were facing in their life.

The reason I turned it down was because teh show required that the 50 people travel around with the person on a big bus. I didn't want to get stuck on a bus for god knows how long. I don't think that the show was on teh air for very long.

I can't say I blame you. Sounds like it would have been very tedious. Did you end up watching the show and the people who did go on it?

You know it took a really long time for the show to air that by the time it did I had forgotten to watch for it. I did however see an ad for it on LifeTime but missed the show.