
Exactly right fastcat351c. Even then a bit of good luck doesn't hurt either. Other people recognize your hard work and help you even more.

I left home at 15 because I got tired of watching my Dad beat the living shit out of my Mom, he was a drunken asshole those years. I did steal for food sometimes but preferred to work for money. At 15 years old I hung out on "Cash Corner" as they called it in 1975, downtown Calgary. I was always one of the first to be picked up for a temp job, mainly because I was 6'1" and I looked healthy. I lived on the streets because of that asshole. When I turned 16 and finally got my class 5 drivers and that all changed, I stopped stealing for food. I got a fulltime job washing cars. Rarely called in sick, became very dependable and worked my ass up the ladder. I had no idea how to be a husband or a parent because of what I was taught up until 15. I never did beat my spouses but I always picked trash as a partner. Everyone of my relationships failed until I finally grew up at 48 and met a tolerant Asian girl...she puts up with a lot of my shit :) Philippine's women are very loyal. My first marriage ended by an affair with my fav Bro. Not only did I loose a wife but I also lost a Bro. Their affair ended shortly after. Far as I know my ex still pays rent and lives in an apartment. Both of my boys hate her guts now. Karma is a bitch and the best way to avoid it is to work hard and earn the things in life that you need. House is now paid for, I have a border paying me rent and I have money in the Bank.

All of the early strife in your life makes you work harder when the later opportunities (jobs) present themselves. My parents divorced when I was 11. We lived with alcoholic mom until I was 15. Moms drunk boyfriend was beating on her and I had a broken leg at the time. I laid that guy out with one of my crutches. Never saw him again until we went to live with Dad at age 15. Good times, eh?

"Good times eh" had to laugh "Eh" I kicked my dad in the balls bigtime and on target that night he put mom in the hospital for three months. Mom says he smartened up that night, she thanked me hundreds of times after that, right up until dad passed away last Feb.

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