What school life is like in Africa.

in #life7 years ago

I have watched lots of high school movies and had a glimpse about school life in the western world trust me if u think your school life sucks or sucked I'll tell you about mine and you will realize how lucky you are. School life in Africa is so different from the meals to activities to punishments let's get started.
We have two options of schooling we have day schooling where u come from home to school then back home or the boarding schooling where u sleep in the school. By the way u have no say in the options it's your parents that decide on the option that favours them not you lol. For the day section it's fair but I'll talk about the boarding school because I lived that experience most. I went to boarding school at the age of 10 and this is the life.
In boarding we stay in dormitories those are basically halls with beds we stay about 35 pupils or more in one dormitory all in different age groups from 7 year olds to the oldest 14 years old same gender of course.
We wake up at exactly 5am we go out and bathe cold water then dress up and go to class at exactly 5:30 so u must be fast during the preparation or else you get punished for being late. We go to class to read books what we call morning preps. Sometimes teachers teach at that time but mostly it's about revising class work. We read up to 7 am.
At exactly 7 am a bell rings and at that time we go back to the dormitory pick a cup and go for breakfast which is porridge. That porridge is made from corn flour so u get a cup of that. Take as quick as u can it's always hot straight from fire but time is not on our side coz at exactly 8 we are needed in class for lessons. Nothing to eat with porridge is provided so u just take the porridge and go to class.
At exactly 8 we are in class a teacher teaches us we have two different teachers for two different subjects we study up to 10:30. At that time a bell rings again for break time. At that time the pupils who were given money by their parents when reporting go and buy something to eat and some like me who were not given we remain in class and watch those eating a few bites. Break lasts 30 minutes. At exactly 11am we are in class for another 2hrs of study. At exactly 1am a bell rings again it's time for lunch. We go to the dormitory pick our plates and go for lunch which is always posho and beans. Posho is also made from corn flour. Not usually much but u have to live by that. By the way our lunch never changes. It's posho and beans Monday to Sunday. Lunch time is also for an hour so u eat as fast as u can.for a drink we drink tap water it's the only available drink.
At exactly 2am we are back in class we study up to 5pm.
A bell rings at that time and we go back to the dormitory we relax and hand wash our uniforms for tomorrow. We fetch water in our buckets for bathing in the morning. We polish our shoes and set everything ready. At 6pm we have dinner which is posho and beans again. So we have posho and beans lunch and dinner Monday to Sunday. At exactly 7pm a bell rings again and We are needed back in class for evening preps. We study up to 9pm then we call it a day. We go to our dormitories and sleep and wait for 5am to wake. The program never changes.
Incase you are late or dodge any class you are whipped with sticks 3 to 7 strokes on the butt by the teacher it's the only form of punishment. Age doesn't matter you must follow the school program.
But despite everything we lived and enjoy our school life in one way or another.

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