Let pro's be pro's. A plumber story.
So I just got back from the gym.
A late night session and I'm drinking this recovery shake with water.
The water came from the same sink (clogged pipe) I fought not to long ago.
All the hours and products and trying were a 100% waste of time and I learned a lesson.
Don't bother to much with things you don't understand unless you want to learn more about it.
I have no interest in plumbing.
I should have called a plumber straight away.
This morning the guy arrived.
He looked like someone that spends a lot of time underground.
A pro, I knew it straight away. I nicknamed him 'the mole'.
I showed him the the sink and he gave a small grunt.
He wasn't impressed with my half ass repair.
I also came clean about the fake teeth cleaner, mixed with drain cleaner and coffee filter smuck.
I was afraid it might hurt him.
He couldn't care less.
He was annoyed because he had to put the thing back together because this was not the solution to the problem.
I apologised..
The mole went outside and found the kitchen sewer pipe connection.
I have no idea how he found it so quick (considering it was underground) but I wasn't going to ask this psychic plumber.
A pro is a pro and that's good enough for me.
'Just wait....I'm going to get the hose', he said.
I waited.
He came back with a huge hose he rolled out of his van.
The mole inserted the hose in the pipe and then pressed a button on a remote control.
The hose kicked into life.
'100 bars of raw water power', he said.
I nodded in awe.
It made me wonder how much bars I had manage to produce with my plunger...
He moved his black snake up and down while it slipped deeper into the hole.
At some point he must have found the blockage because he was franticly moving his hose up and down now.
It would not budge.
He then looked at me and said.
"You better go close your toilet lid, because we are going 200 bars".
This was getting serious now..
I did as I was told.
I gave the mole the thumbs up.
He pressed the button on the remote.
The noise was intense.
Again he was moving his hose up and down. And then..
Big chunks of white gunk came out of the hole.
He looked at me and said, 'you need to relearn how to wash the dishes'.
His explanation how it all happened was pretty simple.
When you wash dishes and there is too much grease or fat on the plates/pans it will turn liquid because of the hot water.
But then it enters the pipe, and then it will solidify especially when it's cold
Repeat this process long enough and it will clog the pipe.
Made sense too me.
I paid him and that was that.
All my problems were solved by a pro in 15 minutes, 10 faster and better then I already spend trying to fix it myself.
I learned my lesson.
Let pro's be pro's.
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Plumbers make some good money , but we can’t be good at everything :D my dad always tries to fix everything itself until it gets fu*ked up
Years ago I was like the mole, usually for the street sewer pipes rather than the household ones.
The hose for smaller household pipes was 3/8 in hydraulic hose with a dome-shaped fitting in the end.
behind the dome, pointing backwards were 3 small holes, when the pump was running it fed high-pressure water down the inside of the hose and out the backward pointing holes.
This propelled the domed head through the blocked pipe, washing the walls of the pipe clean as it went.
When it reached the blockage the domed head would penetrate the cause and break up and wash it down the pipe.
given time, we could clear tree roots that had got into the pipe and grown well on the moisture and fertilizer that was there.
The longest job was a 6 ft dia pipe with a hand-sized gap at the top, full of sand, there was about a mile of pipe to clean, fortunately it emptied into the sea, so there were no disposal issues.
You describe the hose much better than I could! It must be a powerful device if it can eat through tree roots and all that. Thanks for the education!
When you turn on your garden hose and turn it to the jet position, have a look at the size of the hole the water is coming out of, Town supply water is usually about 100 lbs pressure.
We had the same quantity of water, pressurized to 3,000 PSI, coming out of a 1mm hole.
I have buckled the sides of steel fishing vessels while water blasting the barnacles and growth off the hull.
I haven't, but I have heard that they use high-pressure water to cut steel sheeting to patterns, cheaper and easier than Oxy/Acetylene torches.
The longest part of clearing roots was to find them 100 meters up the pipe while working by feel. you could tell how you were going by the debris that was washed down the pipe.
Hi @exyle, i can't stop laughing, i could only imagine the look on your face when the guy got done in fifteen minutes. Hope you don't try to fix your car when you really don't know the solution to the problem, you might mess things up the more for the mechanic and got billed the more. lol.
But i learnt a great lesson from this story; know when to quit and when not to.
learning to be a plumber is job and good money I think I need to get a new job and be one

I have a question. I have heard that you are making an app which will notify when an influencer posts. Please guide me on that.
@exyle The moral for me is that you don't spend time in another man's professional world to convince yourself of competence.
To be competent is to be confident in your abilities and discharge them in your areas of strength!
Moral: do not try to do someone else job. Stick to what you know and call a pro when you don't know.
"Again he was moving his hose up and down. And then.."
Oké, lessons learned but still at least you tried i think that is important too. Happy to hear that you fight is over now and can peacefully use your tap again...
Kind regards,
Exyle you always do something like engaging, but still, all credits yours. just carry on and steem on
‘It made me wonder how much bars I had manage to produce with my plunger...’
That line had me laughing! I always enjoy your writing style, and you’re 100% right, some things are worth a shot by yourself but others, it’s worth getting the pros in, they know the tricks!
Thank you! and yes, can't beat a pro :)
You are very right dear friend @exyle, you always have to call the professionals, it is not because we can not do things ourselves, the professional has tools and knowledge that we do not have.
In my land we have a popular saying and very funny for this kind of thing.
You will never become a spoon, when you were born to be a fork.
I wish you a great day.
Or... save your grease to make fire starters for the BGE. 😃
So pragmatic! I'll try!