I Need a Boyfriend!

in #life6 years ago

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Not necessarily a real one, but an Instagram Steemit boyfriend!

Don’t know what the terms means? Behind most successful instagram models and lifestyle bloggers, there is the boyfriend who helps out with the pictures, making sure that the girl looks her absolute best in every scenario, be it at home or while travelling. Google it, the lengths the boys go to get that perfect shot are hilarious, I’d only ask half of that effort!

Take a picture of my bikini bum!

You know I take most of my pictures myself, but I don’t have the balls to carry a tripod and shoot selfies when other people are watching. I’m not gonna set up a photoshoot on a poolside when there are 50 people watching, and because I do not trust people I’d always be scared that someone snatches my camera if it’s further than an arms reach from me. Besides, I hate running so I’d never catch the thief.

Share a bed with me

Another important reason why I need a boyfriend is that travelling alone is fucking expensive. Yeah, sure, I could stay in hostels or 4 square meter singles rooms, but that sounds more like hell than fun travels. Like I said before, I don’t trust people, and I also hate most people, so sleeping in a same room with strangers is my idea of the 10th circle of hell.

When I travel, I want to stay somewhere that is nicer than my own little apartment, somewhere with lots of natural light and good views, and walking distance to most places I want to visit. If I pay for that by myself, it’s going to be a 200€/night, at a minimum. Cryptos need to make me a lot more money in order to splurge that cash on a place to sleep.

Watch my backside

The Boyfriend would also have to act as my bodyguard and watch my back when I’m focused on taking pictures myself. The reality is that if a somewhat hot Scandinavian girl in her booty shorts is alone, especially in certain countries (Middle East, Africa etc), it makes her a target. Add expensive camera gear and hello, do you want to get raped, mugged and/or kidnapped!? I’m not that into adventures…

Couple goals

The boyfriend would have to be good looking too, because if I need to be with someone 24/7, that someone can’t be an eye sore and of course we would need to create some awesome pictures together. A remote looking beach location, sunset and just the two of us. We’d take one of those shots that makes everyone ooh and awww of how perfect someones life is.

Said boyfriend would also have to have time and money so when I get a sudden urge to travel, we could be on the plane the next day and not have to worry about his work. I can obviously do mine from where ever as long as there is internet connection.

So basically I need a digital nomad with the photographic eye of Helmut Newton, the looks of Tom Hardy, with the skills of any character played by Jason Statham. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

Take anything with a grain of salt.


I think I'd go nuts if I traveled with the same person for more than a couple of weeks. After two weeks of traveling with someone, I start looking at buses and wishing I was on them, alone, with my phone off. Then again, it's pretty nice to not bring my backpack with me to bathrooms or to be able to swim in the ocean without worrying about leaving my stuff on the beach. There are pros and cons to everything, I guess.

Good luck! I also like the idea of partnering up with someone. I just don't like the idea of all the work required for those kinds of relationships to be successful.

Also, my shower drain actually drains water. I've never had a shower drain survive a girlfriend. I could date someone for a week and end up showering in a few inches of water for years. Maybe I should date bald women :P

I hear ya'! ;) Freedom or companionship.... hmmm....
I just wonder, if you find the right one... it won't feel like that is the only two choices.
Hopefully, one day we will find out.

I said in one of my earlier posts that I'd one day love to find someone whose company I enjoy and feel comfortable with, as much as my own.

First of all, the Samara in my shower drain sends her love, and don't worry, she is not coming to visit!

I wouldn't want to be on the road with the same person 24/7 for weeks on end, I'd go crazy too. But maybe two weeks and them we'd separate until the next trip, that would be awesome.

There is definitely pros and cons, but in this matter, I think there are more cons for me...

trying to build a worldwide harem, I see.
proposition is tempting but first we need to discuss a few things: could we get along well enough to not kill each other while fighting over sweets? I seem to recall a little bird saying that you snore. If it wakes me up you will get a spanking. If I will be watching euroleague and you will change the channel you will get a spanking. If I will find your mood too cranky I will apply special medicine( tickling and spanking as a start). If I ask for sandwich in the middle of the night will you make it for me? Do you promise to remain a fun person?

I don't think you fill any of my demands, besides, you ruined Nutella for me, and I will not forgive you for that!

forgiveness is not necessary. Fiery anger fills my demands better anyway.
sweet dreams😈

Check out craigslist haha

I don't think we have that in Finland :(

If you find a chick version just like that for me, send her info.

P.S. tell her I like to fly private LOL

Are you looking for a hot, buff guy, with a huge dick? No... then I’m your man! Haha you are a beautiful girl and will have no problem finding your Mr. Perfect.

Good luck but if you need a fat, bearded, tattooed man to model for you let me know!

Lol, haven't had such luck. But my standards are HIGH, and I'm not willing to lower them.

I do like that tattooed and bearded part :P

the story is so extraordinary, you have very high privacy, and that's reasonable in my opinion, self-esteem and caution is very important :)

Where Is the screening going on,
I want to sign up😂

I don’t know any of those dudes you named at the end... but I’m sure you don’t need anyone ;)

Do you live under a rock? I'm very sure that I need that combo of men, in one man, prettyplease.

This is too cute! You’ll find your guy in no time!

Lol, is it? Thought it would be more like sad or funny :D

On not having a boyfriend?

I more or less suck at photography, but at least the names Adam and Eve would go together lol ;)

Well it's a start!

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