Life Log #1 everydaymusician
I've decided to start making posts about random things going on in my life that are on my mind or that I feel are worth sharing as a way to get things off of my mind, as well as keep relatively regular posts going whenever I am having writers-block on here.
So, anyways...
I'm planning on making a bunch of tutorials coming up in the next couple of weeks on guitar once I get my Mesa cabinet back from repair (I have no idea how the hell it was damaged, it had something to do with the speakers) and get my mic back from my bass player that we have been using to record/rehearse with. Actually, I'll probably start in the next few days and just record on my practice amp so that I can start putting video stuff out. Speaking of, if you have any questions or suggestions on what I should cover in some videos, let me know and I will definitely consider it.
These are the videos I'm planning on making soon:
- "Introduce yourself" post/video
- How to get a good metal guitar tone
- How to play/write progressive metal
- Cool chord voicings and how to apply them
- How to sound heavier on guitar
- How to mic up a guitar cab the "right" way
- How to mix heavy metal guitars
- Beginners guide to Garageband/Recording
- The physics and math of music
- The secret behind good and catchy melodies
I also might start posting about what it's like to be an aspiring musician and having music play such a huge part in your life, because it has effected me both negatively and positively in a lot of different ways... Most notably experiencing what I can only describe as depression, and also a change in perspective on life. But I'll get to that later.
My band is going into the studio soon to record a single, I can't fucking wait. I have a really good feeling about this and I'm glad that my hard work has been starting to pay off. I'll have my new Ibanez by then along with my cab and I might even be able to afford an overdrive to record with. It's going to be great.
I've been thinking about dropping out of school even though I know I actually won't. I'm just been so busy constantly with everything, I don't have the same energy I used to to practice after finally getting home. It sucks. It's funny because I think I improved more during the break over the holidays while I was out of school. I learn a lot in my classes and I am glad that I am taking them, but it isn't easy balancing all of that with practicing every day and work on the weekends. I pretty much never have a day off.
This site has been working out pretty well for me, I really enjoy it. I think it's a really cool community that I would love to invest more time into once I'm out of school. I'd like to make something like this and youtube a full time career along with making my own music one way or another, even though that's a long shot. I want to start a youtube channel mainly for tutorials and lessons, but also I've been thinking about just keeping a daily vlog on my practice sessions so I can track my improvement. And it would be cool if I do ever become insane on guitar for people wondering how I got to that level to watch videos from years back and be able to see exactly what I did up to that point in my life.
I have been having really bad dreams lately since I have been really stressed out. I can't even relax when I'm asleep, what kind of BS is that...
But yea, I think that's all for now. I hope to start posting a lot more on this site and continue to improve the quality of the content I post on here. If you're interested in music, metal guitar, or recording, you should definitely follow me if you would like to see and learn about all of that stuff, along with me sharing different things about my life as well on occasion. Thanks for being apart of this great community everyone!