Mining boom is ruining it for most PC Gamers!

I have been looking to buy a new graphics card for my computer for over a week now on amazon! Every card over the AMD RX460 and Nvidia 1050 series are all completely sold out! Pre-order is possible in some cases but there is a long wait for the cards and a majority of them are way overvalued. Even trying to buy them on Ebay has gone crazy. Most technology devalues over time, but I'm pretty sure if I bought a RX480 6 months ago I'd be selling it on Ebay now for a very good profit!
It's not just graphic cards that have gone nuts either, it's motherboards too. I bought my current ASUS P8B75-M motherboard about 5 years back for £50 and recently saw someone sell the same motherboard on Ebay for £70. Go figure!
It's the poor frustrated Gamer's out there that I really feel sorry for... especially if they have their hearts set on buying a new graphics card.