Keto Diet Challenge- Day #9 Chef Salads & Keto Nutrition!

in #life7 years ago

Hello loves!Hope that January is treating you well! I know it is flying by for me!!!


I have been on my keto diet for 17 days as I write this, and has it been a true challenge! It's been a lot of adapting, cravings, and resisting temptations! That being said, it has been a truly transformative experience already! This is also the first time I have monitored my nutrition closely, which has been a learning process in itself!!



Day 9 we did not make our regular morning green power shake, for whatever reason ( likely we got up too late, or were missing ingredients). We started the day out with a big chef salad . This was a tasty way to kick off the day with some greens and of course, a delicious high fat dressing!!

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We washed and prepared all the ingredients and created two full plate sized salads!! Of course no keto salad is complete without a healthy sized side portion of cottage cheese!!

My fiance's salad is pictured on the left, and mine is on the right :) This was a big salad, and I did have to save some of it in a tupperware to finish later on in the day after work . Big salads are easy and quick to put together, and very satisfying on a keto diet. This made for a nice meal before I left for work.


For dinner on day 9 I was at work, and ordered the camarones apretalados. I am still struggling to find sides at work that I can eat , so I ended up just eating the bacon wrapped, cheese covered shrimp. These are so fatty and delicious and really hit the spot. I did not take a photo this day, but I do have a photo of them in a previous blog.

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Day 9 comes in a touch low for calories, with only 1468 total calories for the day. Calorie breakdown is as follows: Fats 61%, Proteins 33% , and carbs 6%. This is not ideal for a "perfect" keto diet, but is within the parameters for a keto standard ( just barely).
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This day cronometer shows me as meeting 84% of nutrition requirements. I am coming in quite low in fiber, iron, vitamin c, and folate. This is a direct result of missing our normal morning shake, and I am not surprised that this day is a little low in nutrition.
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This day I was able to drink 80 fl oz of water, just barely hitting my hydration goals. I managed to keep net carbs at 21g, and sugars at a respectable 12.8g. I also did meet the omega 3 & 6 requirements for this day, which is thanks to the camarones apretalados!

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Vitamin levels for this day don't look too shabby, but they are lacking in folate and vitamin C, as mentioned previously. Again, these categories are usually rounded out with our shake, and days that we skip the shake, we suffer an obvious nutritional consequence. Other than that, pesky vitamin E is low again for this day, which is something I am still working on fixing in my eating habits.

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Mineral levels for day 8 are relatively decent as well. I am a little bit low in iron, maganese, magnesium and potassium, but all other categories are meeting cronometers nutritional suggestions. Usually we supplement potassium with our Nu-salt, but this day I did not have any cooked meals at home, so that was not a contributing factor. I also did not take my trace minerals supplement for whatever reason this day.
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For day 9 I met and exceeded all of cronometers protein nutrient categories. I probably would have done well to cut the protein down a little bit this day, as it is a little bit overkill :)
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While day 8 may have been a touch low on calories, and a pinch high in protein, I still think it was a successful day on a keto diet :) Every day that I adhere to a keto diet, I give myself a smiley face sticker on my sticker chart :) This simple method of motivation works wonders for me to reach my goals, both health related and otherwise!! I highly recommend it to anyone !!

I am feeling pretty good on a keto lifestyle / diet, and am proud to say that other than one trip to subway (for a salad!) I have not eaten out for almost three weeks now!I also have not drank during this time :) I have saved a lot of money, trimmed down my tummy, and am thoroughly enjoying the steady source of energy that keto provides me !

Thank you so much for all of your support, and for reading my blog here on Steemit! Follow me to watch my keto transformation firsthand! If you have any questions or comments, drop them below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can!!


Brightest Blessings!!
Evening Star


Those are some nice looking salads, I must say :) And your diet is quite diverse,which is a good thing; makes my diet seem like a daily carbon copy :) I need to be more adventurous!

Are you getting out into that fresh Montana air and breaking a sweat now and then? ;)

Good post @eveningstar92!

I work out mostly in my home :) I am a certified yoga instructor, and also a pole fitness instructor :) In the winter i try to stay inside just because it is nasty outside here ! Hard on your lungs to work out in this elevation and cold in the winter. But i make up for it in the summer :P I work out almost daily :) I train on pole, lyra, trapeze, and hammock.

Easy for me to ask, living on the coast with a 10c/50f balmy winter day today ;)

Sounds like you get plenty of exercise, and it shows :) Well done!

Interactions in the days ahead. I will follow you ;)

Thanks!!! I appreciate the support ! :)

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