in #life7 years ago


As humans, we all have things in mind to do, missions to accomplish and all that. However, most times, all these things don't come into materialisation either as a result of fear to act, discouragements from family and friends or bad advice from those around. 

Most people are meant to be great in life but because of the people they are surrounded with, what goes on around them, what they hear and listen to, they've become reverse of what they are supposed to be.

Most of our life failures are result of who we move it, what we listen to and the likes. We are easily distracted by what we hear from those around us, and are thereby impeded from becoming who we are supposed to be. 

 For us to live our dreams and get to our destination, we need to avoid any form of distraction. We need to avoid distraction to avoid destruction(negative results and regrets).

"Distraction" is any thing that takes our attention from anything we are doing or thinking about.  On the other hand, to "avoid" means to prevent something from happening or keeping away from somebody or something. "Destination" means a place to which somebody is going or being sent to.

 Having fully understood the keywords, we can now delve in to the topic proper. For anyone to get to where he or she is going in life, such one has to be fully focused and eliminate any form of distraction(s). Most people have become something else or something"less" because  they are living according to the judgement and dictates of others. They have allowed those who gave up on their dreams talk them out of theirs. We need to avoid negative individuals to get positive results.  

We need to keep away from some people if we still want to hold and control our destiny. Some people find it difficult to walk away from others or let others walk away from them. The advice is to give people to migrate about our life without being affected. Our destiny is never tied to anybody that came or left. 

Whenever we are about to start any new thing, people will always make remarks about our intentions. We will never make the day count  If we keep listening to what they say. So also,  our destiny may be compromised and our destination cut short. We must be weird of life distractors. 

For us to live our dreams and get to our destination we need to focus on our work and ignore the noise of other. When people tells us that we can't do it, it either means they can't or they've tried it and failed.Let us refuse to allow the failure of others stop us from becoming successful. If we listen to failures(get distracted), it means we are giving them the chance to allow their failures halt our success.

 According to the words of Wiston Churchill: "you will never get to your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks". Most people are failures today because of the attention they gave or are giving to the criticisms, negative words of their friends instead of concentrating on what they want to achieve. If we concentrate on the noise in the market instead of the person we want to buy something from, we'll never get anything from the market.

Another distraction that keeps most people away from getting to their destination is fear of failure. Most people are scared to move to their destination because they think they will never get there. Instead of concentrating on their potentials, they are busy concentrating on their limitations. If we can focus on the present, the past and future will take care of itself. If we are fully concentrated on getting to where we are going, we can't notice any obstacles on the way that will prevent you from getting there. Obstacles are those things we see when we take our eyes off our goals.

 For us to get to our destination, we need to take our own path that will lead us there. There is no how we can leave your path by listening to others(being distracted) and still get to our destination.

The only person you need to listen to get to your destination is 'YOU'.

 When we leave our path to follow that of others, we definitely won't get to our destination. Instead we will get to somewhere else and become somebody else in the process.

For us to get to our destination, we need to avoid any form of distraction, follow our mind, to land on our dream land and in your promise land.

The team is made up of

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It should be noted that in our quest to avoid distractions we should not turn deaf hears to advice given

Moreover it is not all critics about us that is a distraction there might be an element of truth in the critics

The best way is to give way to your conscience to judge you atimes

Weldone sir. This is a great post. Actually anybody that has purpose and define it well,should and must be able to focus on his or her purpose. When you have define your purpose,understand it and focus on it,then you are on the right track to your destination. Though,there may be pebbles and stumbling blocks (distractions and discouragement) on the way but what keeps you sailing is your focus. Any man that has no focus stand a chance of lossing his destination. Your real you is YOU.



Another enemy of purpose-driven life is PRIDENESS

Life is a journey that has so much distractions in life. Nobody ever made it in life attending to distractions. No matter the circumstances always remember that a focused life is a focused destiny. Nice post

Nothing can be more true than this

Most of our life failures are result of who we move it, what we listen to and the likes. We are easily distracted by what we hear from those around us, and are thereby impeded from becoming who we are supposed to be.

The company we keep in life matter most.
Thanks @euronation for this content

I agree with you. Everyone owes himself the responsibility to succeed, regardless of any other person's opinion

Yes, I couldn't agree more. I am the master of my destiny.

Our greatest enemy starts from within... The mind!!

Well said! I once read that it is not the ability we lack to be successful, it is the ambition we lack.

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