in #life9 years ago (edited)

I've been occasionally dabbling on STEEMIT for a few weeks now and there are a few things that come to my attention.

There is some quality shit being up voted on here and for good reason. It's quality. Legitimate ways to improve your own Steemit use - to earn those big bucks. Such as Forex trading tips, actual life stories that are relevant and INTERESTING, people who have turned their cracked out lives around for the better, money making schemes that are certain to work, logical facts about the planet we live on (which we are so eagerly destroying by the way), artists and music creators that are trying to get a leg up and have their voices heard in an industry that infamously shits all over real talent and other articles that actually contain SUBSTANCE.

However, lately I've noticed that many users are blogging about completely fucking stupid and illogical things. Naked women (Don't get me wrong, I love women. But there's more important shit to talk about), sob stories, sex, just utter rubbish really. Like this one post I literally just finished reading about someone who at the ripe age of 21 (I won't mention names because I'm not a wanker like that), claims that they are a complete failure at life and how they wanted to end it. FIRST OF ALL you are only 21, your life has barely even started! Fuck me, the ignorance of some people. You think because you don't own a car or have a job your life is a mess? HA! I actually laughed at how pathetic that statement was. If anything you're fucking lucky that you aren't tied down by debt, or have to find ways to make rent, pay bills, and buy your own groceries per week. You're lucky you aren't slaving away aimlessly under a boss who literally couldn't give LESS OF A FUCK about you. You're lucky you aren't a slave to the invisible hand that owns your soul. I moved out of home at the age of 16, now 24, and I can tell you first hand it was one of the worst decisions of my fucking young life. BE grateful for what you have and what you are yet to accomplish. Take the fact that your attempt didn't work as a sign you are destined for better and greater things.

Now don't for a second perceive that I'm just all up in here trying to be a bully or a bigot, I'm simply trying to shed light on how closed minded our culture has become. Yes I may be erratic in the way I address such situations but that's just me. If you think you're comfortable western life is hard, TRY BEING A SYRIAN REFUGEE or watching your family and friends being blown up my drone strikes. IMAGINE BEING IN CONSTANT FEAR not knowing when a group of armed soldiers will kick your door down and savagely attack and mutilate your parents in front of your eyes. My heart goes out to the Palestinians who live this all day everyday. Fuck, my heart goes out to all those who are suffering throughout the Middle East, Somalia and the many other countries effected by the atrocities.

Sure I've never experienced anything to that degree either, but for that I am grateful. More grateful than I could ever express. It actually breaks my heart knowing that, as one person I'm rendered completely useless and can't make much of a damn difference. What I'm trying to stress out here is that your imaginary problems are minuscule on a grand scale that is the world and you should be using your voice to change the world for the better, not to make a quick dollar off your sob story.

I admit I've been a culprit in the past with the sob stories. Stories of how I was an alcoholic and how I saw people I loved die, but I've since woken up to myself and have seen the bigger and FAR MORE IMPORTANT picture. I just don't understand how everyone can be crying over obsolete scenarios when half the world is burning right now. But fuck, I guess that's just the thoughts of an individual. It's up to us all to shape the future of this world.

I'm not trying to gain money off of this post, I'm simply trying to get you all to open your eyes and use those intelligent minds of yours to find the solution. And at the end of the day IT'S ALL GOOD. End rant.




Hm. Is complaining about people complaining about first world problems a first world problem ? Mind Blown.


Hahaha! You got me...

I'm glad we are both on the same page haha. Kudos to you my friend.

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