Need HONEST Advice (Win 5 SBD)

in #life6 years ago

What do you think, should I just cash out at this price & get a camera or potentially get few additional pieces for the same price?

I'm really unsure what to do but I want to make HIGHER QUALITY content so MUCH! :(

▶️ DTube

Buy nothing, if this requires to sell at least one steem or SBD.
But if other savings (FIAT) are large enough to get some new gear, think of these things, in this priority:

  • 3-axis gimbal
  • HQ external microphone + "dead cat"
  • upgrade your smartphone (if you feel this may help, not sure what you use)
    New camera ? Great upgrade, but would probably cost 5-7x times as much as my named options above, altogether.

Alfa thank you from my heart for the advising :) I'm really grateful!

Can you tell me, from your personal experience, which external microphone would you recommend? I think I'll use this alternative route at this point, as long as crypto is bearish

The Rode smartLav+ Lavalier mic has many positive reviews. (Which i only confirm) Maybe not the cheapest, but I am very happy with it. Have it since spring. Have built a small homemade "deadcat" for it myself. Fits into phone jack just fine (4 lead plug ), but with small adapter I use it also with DSLR and my ZOOM handy audio recorder. I found it preferable against remote radio-link mics, when shooting outdoors from a longer distance. Tiny , almost invisible.

Thank you a lot brother! You were so helpful to me today

Right now I'm having hard time deciding which gimbal to buy 😂

Dji osmo mobile 2 or zhiyun smooth Q... So hard to decide! But good times haha

Posted using Partiko Android

Right, ha ha ... i know its hard. Maybe that was why i got them BOTH. They are different, though booth are good. So I could not even decide which of the two to sell, after I used them for some time. Both have their own advantages in certain situations.
Check out this :

I'm definitely checking it ASAP! Must I highlight how you won the 5 SBD from myself? I think its self explanatory!

You are always here to help and I appreciate you strongly, brother

Keep being fucking awesome! :)

Thank you so much. Believe me or not, but I was not even thinking there is a prize announced for advice. I just found a subject which is much interested to me, and which takes a noticeable part of my expenses this last year.
4K video footage edits are not a joke for old PC's, and I had to find out this all the hard way.

Thanks again.

well higher quality content does not always mean camera quality.

If anything I would take into consideration editing equipment first and see if you can create the video you are looking for. If you are able to create the content without the need for higher quality video, then I would do that first. I bought a high quality camera at first but I came to realize that I can still film, edit and post the content I want to make on my phone. However, if you are doing more heavy editing, I would suggest focusing on the editing equipment before the camera (Unless you are focusing heavily on the picture quality as content). What does the content boil down to?

Yes, indeed, top tier smarphones can film and photograph so well these days, that to overcame it noticeably, you got to go for a $3K -$6K semi-pro camera. (which probably will be heavy and bulky).
Considering how much MORE you can do on a powerful smarphone today, its size and portability, it's price and the specifics of dtube's audience - it is very hard to beat it.
Unless money is no object....
As this is not the case, I would stick with present video quality levels, but save every tiny bit of my cryptos for a better days.
Nothing can be more damaging for your future than selling your cryptos at the very bottom, before the next big bull run. Before the global catastrophic collapse of the FIAT money based world (already on the horizon)

Your wisdom is certainly deep dear @onealfa

That's exactly why I made this video... searching for advice :)

1 year ago SBD was exactly 15$ :)

$15 SBD was far from normal. That's why it kept at this price for so short time.
Learn the anatomy of steem , and you may see why the odds for steem to reach $20 is quite a bit higher that to see $10 for SBD again. Why not to change all the SBDs at least to steem (while it is so crazy cheap now), or better yet power-up them to SP, where it will work for you, appreciate in value, or as minimum can be rented, delegated, bringing returns while doing nothing?
Don't trust that much is Steem ? Ok, no probl, there are hundreds if not thousands of other coins to choose from. When everything is down by 70-95%, the risk of loosing your wealth (in large) with cryptos is now so low as never before.
Again, looking at your todays (shaky) video , i can not resist myself suggesting one more time - consider getting a 3-axis gimbal for phone. It would bring a dramatic improvement to your video's footage.
2 easiest ways to spoil a good video, even with great idea n content - make it very shaky, and with distorted, muffled, wind-over-masked audio

I do agree it was far from normal. But anatomy of STEEM was identical while it happened, right? Even though it looks like witnesses are putting lot more effort in to keep it pegged.
Thank you so much for your honest recommendation! May I take just a bit more of your time and ask which gimbal would you recommend to me?? I'll get on buying it ASAP :))

Posted using Partiko Android

THe only reason SBD didn't stay at 15$ for a long time is the same why it got there. BTC

First, BTC soaring up brought SBD up to 15$ as Koreans pumped massive amounts of money into SBD. upwards of 10m in 24h volumes.

When BTC started it's downtrend so did SBD, and all other altcoins followed along as you might already know.

I see no reason why the next BTC bullrun wouldn't have the same effect on SBD that it had a year ago.

Great advice! I was thinking of good Ultra HD camera in order so I can film cinematic and get better picture quality in general, as you said^^

My mobile is not allowing me that... When you speak about editing equipment, what exactly are you referring to? Do you have any relevant links that you can share? I'd be glad to look into them! I'm all ears right now and I'm ready to invest in that equipment ASAP if that's what fits my needs :)

Well I did a quick google search for free editing software and came to this article. When I referred to editing equipement, I was thinking more along the lines of software.

The main thing I was wondering was what kind of content were you looking to expand into. If you are doing travel where the picture quality matters more than the editing, then yes go for a high quality camera. If you are doing something more scene, story driven or editing heavy like making a scene/movie/short, then think about the capabilities of the editing software. Are they able to control ambient noise? Do you have to sync audio with another device? Are there certain audio/visual effects you are trying to incorporate.

For me, I looked into the adobe platform and bought a subscription a while back and although it has allowed me to learn more on a technical level when it comes to cinematography, it is not completely necessary for me to spend so much money on all the software they provided when it comes to making my vlogs.

I can make my vlogs on my iphone and edit them with imovie to the degree that is okay with me. Free software like art studio lite can assist with making thumbnails to some degree as photoshop (even more so, on the go). It's a matter of asking yourself to what degree do you see yourself utilizing the software/features/etc. realistically. I hope this helps you out.

We had the same vision bro!

You better cash it now to had much better quality video. I also posted about buying new camera to make a good quality photograph and video..

But i need to save more sbd for it worth is the wait for me,but for you it's worth enough to buy a new one bro! don't waste your time and we are looking forward to your new camera..😍😍😍

Well better quality or not, is just my desire to excel but in all honesty I'm doing pretty good right now... I need to decide which will prevail, my childish desires or my ratio of a strong investor who always waits for the right moment and thinks long term :)

Take a camera after sell your SBDs. You can earn more in future find quality features indeed best camera. It would be better investment progress your steem journey. You can create top quality contents through Dtube. Good Luck..

Thank you for your advice, really :) I'm confident that I will earn a lot either way! This is not about money, just my desire to get way much better at this - in order to do that, I need professional equipment

But still, I NEED to think this through :)

If i were you , i think you better cash out and make more high quality content on new camera. for us to grow we need to invest too.

Make dtube a great video community.

More power and Have a nice day!! 😊😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah we do need to invest to grow, I agree with that... but investment at wrong time can cost you much more, just cause of little bit of not being patient

And I do agree sometimes you need to jump on the head and just flow... but if you did see SBD on 15$ in the past and lived through it, you would have know what I'm speaking about!

Brother i dont intent to debate with you.

But I think your looking for a great explanations that will convince you to buy a camera.

I saw your conversation with @nathanmars, he gives you suggestion to follow your heart.

But you insist to wait. youre caught by the situation to buy now or to wait until the price go high.

Whatever happens to your plans, i hope you make the right decision. Goodluck brother.😊😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I honestly would wait a bit until it's that point that you really can't stand the quality (which I personally think it's not that bad unless you're planning on doing actual niche content like Lydia (alphasteem), captainbob and who else.. let me think..). I have been using M50 that I also just purchased a few months back and it's really not expensive at all ($600) with the mic and mono pod prolly 100 bucks more.

I wouldn't prefer catching out as I believe I wouldn't worth what I have been spending and putting in to the work these past 8 months both financially and physically.. I wouldn't mind waiting a bit more but I don't know what's exactly is your personal goal so no one could answer it better than yourself really.

Good luck! :)

Thanks a lot :) I DO respect you a lot so advising from you means a lot. And I'm aware for how long both of us hustled to save what we have in savings now :)

I'm really curious though, what mic and mono pod are you using? Feel free to share when you find time :)

Wish you a beautiful day :)

Blushinnnnn' I have been using..

  • Zhiyun mini tripod and monopod
  • RøDE video micro

feel free to use the aff links on this page if you're planning on ordering them on amazon! Cheers :)

Get the camera!

Best investment I made was with purchasing my GoPro. Now price of Steem/SBD.... I see us possibly going sideways for a while longer so it really depends on how long you wish to wait.

I would just do it now and having the tools you desire will help to encourage your creations which should relate to more rewards. You will earn it back no matter what so just make certain your getting what you want/need for equipment.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great advice, basically what you are saying is - if the prices will go sideways for longer I'd be able to amass same amount of SBD until bull run starts! and that is a great POINT! But what if, bull starts near this Christmas already... oh my :) sweet joy

My honest opinion is:

First of all buy Joby Gorillapod 1K/1K Kit (with/without head, for me it is a game changer) or any manfrotto and start to use it with your phone because i cant stand that shaking videos when you are holding your phone in your hand :) (i have realized that it is annoying as fuck when I've recorded my few videos using phone and then I was watching them :D) Not talking about gimbal. In my opinion gimbals are heavy, noisy and are not good for vlogging. More for cinematic or doing videoclips stuff like that. Record some videos outside with your gorilla and you will definitely see the difference, external mic with windmuff will definitely level this up when you will eliminate wind noise.

Second: I've got same problem before and I have realized that as long as you are waiting that long you don't have a better gear but camera is a first investment. You would need minimum 64gb memory card, 1-2 spare batteries, external mic or windmuff for internal mic and all that extra stuff so it will be even more than just a camera but it is a investment for another 2-3 years so you must ask yourself "do i want to wait until SBD/STEEM will go up?" that can take week, month, year, decade? you know... its all up to you :)

Last thing. I have bought used camera on eBay and safe almost 40% of brand new price. In my opinion it is not worth it to buy a new electronic because as long as you receive it, open the box and take it out it is a used one already :) i very rarely buying a new electronic devices, just accessories.

I hope that this will help you ;-)

Thank you for the Gorillla pod tip brother! I'll be checking it right away! Yeah I know, I myself dislike the shaky BS :(

Gimbals are expensive as well... Now I'm curious to see the price tag on the equipment you mentioned :)

Yeah its true that's all up to me but lets say I get the similar canon like the one you have... and I get used one, with all the other things you stated it would probably cost me way above 1000€, correct?

Bro you helped me a lot, thank you for sharing this huge piece of your wisdom in this beautiful commenet

I DO appreciate you. :)


No worries Brother 😎👊

I don't know if Amazon is in the place you live in. I live in England and It costs on Amazon Joby 1K Kit £30, Windmuff £15, 2 spare batteries £27. I bought camera on eBay for £280.

Prices I mentioned on Amazon are about because now when you will grab Amazon Gift Card for £30 you will get £6 credit extra to spend on items sell by Amazon UE or something like that 🤗 just have to apply for this promotion, buy a gift card, top up your balance and wait about 48h to activate. I don't know where it works exactly so you have to do your own research 😎

You can also use my referral if you wish -

Bless Ya! 👊

Posted using Partiko iOS

but if I am in your position I will enjoy the camera that I have before I make a video I think about the idea first, totality is more important than friend's popolarity.

Exactly, great points. Thanks for telling me this... It did make me think for a while

Ready for friends Have a nice day

Cash out ofc. ;) We don't know, what gonna happen with that "currency" within few months, isn't it? And if You are going to keep doing vlogs better camera is... good idea. :)

Lmao... are you sure? We are on one of best performing blockchains in the world at this very moment :)

Yes, well said man... AT THIS VERY MOMENT. :)

I am not oracle, but You never know. :) I still think, it's better than national currences, but we don't really know, what gonna happen.

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