⏺ I'm back. A message to my haters.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Haters gonna hate.

I would just like to apologize for being away for more than 3 days. I know it doesn't seem that long, but for me that is 6 blog posts worth. It feels like forever. Truth be told, I had an emotional breakdown.

I have never felt this way before. I definitely do not want to have this as my rant, but I feel it's best if I am as transparent as possible here. Throughout my time here, I have had a lot of transformation. I have needed to make personal changes within myself in the last 3 months, and I'll be honest, it hasn't been as easy as it may look.

I have had many people, all of a sudden, contact me in the last 48 hours telling me nothing but negativity. Telling me how useless I am on this platform. How I am just here for the money, and teaching people unrealistic expectations. I like to be as open-minded as possible. Always open to constructive criticism, and other people's opinions.

Let's just be clear. There is a difference between sharing your opinion, and being straight up rude.

I really try to convince myself that every opinion is a valid opinion, and that you can learn from almost any situation. However, I have also come to the realization that aside from anyone else's opinion of you, you still have the final say for what you want to do in your life.

This is not going to be some rah-rah speech. This is a message to all my haters.

You can say what you want. You can carry on spending your hours analyzing what I do all day. You can do whatever you like to attempt to make me feel bad, but at the end of the day, I am still confident in what I am doing.. And just for that simple reason, keep your negative opinion to yourself.

Now look, I understand if you are trying to help another person grow from the criticism you are giving. Then that's great. However, have some tact. Have some manners. Have some damn respect before just throwing out insults. Because if you are just insulting, then you are nothing but a silly hater.

You have made me really think these last three days, and I have come to my own conclusion. You do not control my life. You may think you have a say, but let me just make it clear, you don't.

You should know that what I type, I experience. Let this be a lesson to all of you people who are tired of letting other people step on you and tell you that you are no good. Ignore the haters. They have zero say in how you are to run your life. They are simply jealous. I have never seen a hater pay my bills. Only to push me way further in motivation that I have ever been before. Let that be your fuel.

There will always be those people who will want nothing else but to have you fail. Talking about it is one thing, but being in the situation can be very depressing. It's tough.. But at the end of the day, it is these things that make us stronger.

To all my haters: Thank you for this. Thank you for making me feel the most pain and misery that I have felt in many months. If it wasn't for your unkindness, I would never have gotten depressed, felt sorry for myself, and had a reality check. It is because of you that I have now evolved to an even stronger, more disciplined version of myself.

Take care. Just know this is only the beginning.

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous post:
There's only one direction.. All the way up!! Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @jokossita! Let's send her our love and support!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #6: Comment your links! My contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone: 2000+ followers, Rep 64, and 6500 total posts in 86 days!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.


Whenever you do something out of the ordinary, you are gonna get haters, it is inevitable...

Glad that solved it for yourself and fought your way through it. Just ignore the haters. You will get to the point where you will actually love your haters and thank them for the renewed encouragement to become a little bit better every day.

I have had it happen on other projects in the past to myself and I know the feels. Once you have overgrown this you will not feel the slightest pain when reading a negative comment.

Talk soon.

Thanks for your message bro :) You are so right.

Once you have overgrown this you will not feel the slightest pain when reading a negative comment.

I already feel like that now. I guess that's one cool thing of getting battered and smacked down to the ground, is that you really grow the most :)

Thanks for being awesome! How are you?

Everythings fine. My life is moving in the direction I want it to go, which is one of the most important things to me now. Talk soon :-)

I knew this day was coming.

The first time I saw you and checked your profile this was when I​ was 3 day on Steemit I​ said to myself:" This guy will have a lot of haters!" and here you are telling us exactly that.

Haters gonna​ hate exactly it is like that it was​ always like that and it will be always like that. I appreciate that you are talking so honest about your emotional breakdown this is normal, we are emotional beings. And it hurts when people throw something​ which is definitely​ not true, but we cant change it. They will always exist.

Like always I​ am honest with you: You are doing an amazing​ job. You are an inspiration for so many people. Your character would not grow when you would not face such difficulties. But like you said. Let them talk ​because​ they will always talk and yes, the main reason is that​​ they are jealous. They want what you have but are not willing to pay the price you did.

I agree with your Post, I want to add​ one more thing:
Confront your haters with grace and goodness.
Why I​ am saying that.
Because then​ you are different and you pouring hot coals over them.
Think, so many​ people want that you explode that you say insulting things and than they feel confirmed. I knew it this guy is an asshole like all the money greedy people

Proof them wrong, be different, go your way! It's​ just the beginning.
This is just my advice for you. Feel free to think about it or not.

Keep on Steemin my friend​, you are on the right way.​​

Hey my man, I appreciate your opinion right there.

Your advice was brilliant, and I have definitely taken it into the utmost consideration :) You are right. If negativity spreads on more negativity, then by giving the sam reaction in a negative way, it is only satisfying them. True that :)

I wouldn't usually rant like this, but it's been quite a crazy three days. Thanks for this.

I appreciate your comment :)
Take your time bro, don't stress you.

You already have real following who understand you and this is aweseome.
I read some of the comments and what i saw it's great.

Looking forward to read your Posts, but don't stress you my friend. :)

I agree. The comments and support I have received from some of my followers is crazy cool. I am so very grateful. Thanks again :)

There is a difference between having an opinion, and just being a mean-spirited a-hole. Too many people attempt to disguise their evil nastiness as an 'opinion' that they are free to express. They may be free to express it, but no one should mistake it for an opinion. Ignore these people. That is my advice.

I agree. :)

If they are instantly negative...that's my cue to move on!

(Sometimes I still make mistakes though!)

my opinion is just an opinion of someone who faced similar situations in real life. Somehow somewhere along the way, I had to " attend" a war and it set me back a few years in my academia. Suddenly the world was full of haters who told me I was good for nothing. I had to give up 4 months of my life being emotionally depressed and a wreck. That's all I lost and that loss was the greatest thing that happened to me. I put my head down and focused and worked like a maniac. I am extremely successful in my field. I may have never risen to these heights of the setback had not sent me springing forward.
Now I see haters as a springboard. Accept the challenge and focus. The battle is not with them but with your own self. Keep your score in your head and don't ever leave again. I expect you to be only stronger with time. Best wishes and Godspeed.

I am very sorry about what you went through. I really appreciate this comment, however. Your support is really great, and I thank you for that!

You are awesome :)

This is what comes in my head when haters try to bring me down!
"Can't nobody hold me down... ohh no
I got to keep on movin"

I kick them out of my life.
I think your doing great here on steemit :)

Puff Daddy :D Love it man! Hahaha

How old is that video :D So funny.

Thanks for that. I appreciate it :)

What I can say to you is stay strong and firm. That’s the spirit :) there’s always believer and haters. Engage more with supporters and just ignore those haters. You are making great progress here @enazwahsdarb!

Thank you my man! I really appreciate what you said right there. You are awesome!

Same goes to u man! We have your back here in Steemit (though we may not know each other in real life) but I can sense your genuine passion.

Man they say whether there is almost no difference between how the brain interprets a digital visual, and a visual in reality..

So a relationship online can be the same passion as anything in real life :)

Yup. There’s always two side and people always have opinions, especially for those making success. Steem on man!

I read another analogy in a book yesterday. It said, opinions are like nostrils, everyone has two of them :D

haha weird analogy!

Haha I know right :D I found it in a very sophisticated book, so it must be accurate lol

When you start having so many haters that means that you are doing something right. These people are just jealous that's all, but I am sure you have more people liking your stuff then vice versa, that is a fact.

Many people study your content closely and many people are inspired by it both content wise and structure wise. I see many many people even trying to follow your style now.

The higher up you try to climb the more people will want to pull you down. Just follow your direction and soon you will be high enough that no haters can reach you anymore .

What up Dan :)

What an awesome message man. I really appreciate all that. Congrats on hitting 60 rep by the way!

The support I have gotten from you guys right here is crazy. Thank you very much.

You are welcome buddy and thanks for noticing me hitting 60 :)

Of course :) I like to try and pay as much attention to each of your guys a possible! Keep it up. Let' do this.

Alright man - keep up the good work !

Ah thanks man! As well as to you! You are awesome :)

Sorry to hear you went through this but believe it will only make you stronger

You are right so many people are so obsessed with there own opinion being the only right one and ramming it down people’s throats

I am always willing to listen to people’s opinions but don’t want them forced on me a tactful comment and move on is best for me

And one last thing

Opinions are like assholes everyone has them but we don’t need to see them!!!

Thank you for that man. I really appreciate that. Your input was awesome :)

Opinions are like assholes everyone has them but we don’t need to see them!!!

That was the funniest thing I have read all week :D Thanks for that!

Just try to remember:
Opinions only matter when they come from people we respect.
What does it matter what someone thinks of you; if they have no respect for you, and you have none for them - it doesn't matter at all.

Like @tattoodjay said ....we all have em 😆

I thought you might need a chuckle I am glad it worked and have a great day

Hahaha yeah man. That was solid. Thanks lol :)

Awww! I'm sorry to hear that but I bet you're helping many people. Because you are famous here, I am sure there are many followers that seek your attention but failed. I admit I am attention seeker from you too but I understand that you can't follow me back or be a friend of mine.

Anyone has different views and opinion. We have the freedom of expression but the way we control this freedom defines who we are and I feel good because I know how to control it. I was not rude to anyone but respect their beliefs and wanting in life in a manner not to offend nor malign anybody and it's my philosophy.

Welcome back. 3 days is a short break. I just come back today after my 5 days break and this content catches my attention. Just ignore those who hate you but throw some love then you will reap more blessings for the Lord says:

Proverbs 25:21
"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink."

Hey sister @lebron2016

I didn't write the exact verse but I​ share also a similar verse.
I believe​ in that. Then we are making a difference. His success​ is not coming from the unknown. He was and is working for that.

I totally agree man. Thanks for that :)

Thank you for your message, Shane :)

You are very kind. Welcome back as well, for that case! Yeah, 3 days for me feels like a lifetime.

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

Great quote. I have definitely taken that into account after reading it.

Thanks again.

What.. Why? I don't get why people would send such messages in the first place. Jealousy maybe? You always write a lot in your posts, generally talking about the things you like, or things you have an opinion about yourself. People like that, hence upvote it.

You're a nice guy as far as I know. Always put effort in both your posts and replies (to be honest, I always liked out brief comment conversations).

You try to help people on this platform and your tips may not work out for everyone. That doesn't take away the fact that you're a nice guy who, like the rest of us, is trying to earn some money throughout this platform.

When you have haters, generally means you got attention of a lot of people. When you get more known, more people will like you. But the same goes for the amount of people who hate you? I guess it's all relative! Just don't bother with these people and if things get out of hand, I suggest you contact a higher authority :)

Thank you for that Shannon :)

I am glad you see some of the positives. It's really soothing hearing something positive, after hearing a drench of negativity.. Thanks for that.

You are awesome. How are you doing?

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