How can you become a millionaire?
What do you want to become when you grow up? Millionaire of course! A question that everyone, of course, has answered once. Becoming a millionaire may seem like an imaginative childhood dream, yet you can kick it off with the right drive and mindset. Millionaires like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or our own Linda de Mol have more similarities than you might think at first. Are you wondering how you can become a millionaire? Then we will give you the best millionaire recipe below.
When are you a millionaire?
The term millionaire sometimes brings some confusion, because when can you call yourself a millionaire or not? The first misunderstanding is that the term millionaire does not necessarily mean that you have to have a million euros in your bank account. You can call yourself a millionaire if the value of all your assets (assets) together are worth one million or more. This can also be belongings such as your house, the car, the boat or the shares you have. To speak of a millionaire, you do not have to spend a million euros free. Most people who have a million euros ready on the bank are often multimillionaires. You officially speak of a multimillionaire if you own at least two million. Internationally, one assumes a million dollars in assets. In Europe, this limit, therefore, depends on the exchange rate of the euro against the dollar.
Millionaires in the Netherlands
According to data from Statistics Netherlands, about 106,000 millionaires lived in the Netherlands in 2015 (1.4% of all households). Interesting statistics from this data include that 80% of all millionaires in the Netherlands are entrepreneurs. From this, you can deduce that you are probably the most successful to become a millionaire by doing business and starting your own business. Other features of millionaires from this report:
Millionaires drink more than non-millionaires
Millionaires smoke less than non-millionaires
Millionaires are less overweight than non-millionaires
Millionaires play sports more and live healthier than non-millionaires
Millionaires are separated less often than non-millionaires
Golf is the most practiced sport by millionaires
Most millionaires live in Laren, Blaricum or Bloemendaal
1 in 5 working millionaires is active in agriculture
1 in the five parents of millionaires are themselves millionaires
How can you best become a millionaire?
Of course, there is no manual available that explains step-by-step how you can become a millionaire. If we knew precisely, we could all become millionaires. Most millionaires all have specific properties that match. So you might speak of a specific 'formula' that gives you more chance of becoming a millionaire. If you want to know how to become the best millionaire, we'll tell you everything you need to know below.
The right mindset
All millionaires have a certain mindset that is decisive for becoming a millionaire. A millionaire has a specific goal in mind and is prepared to fight for this. A millionaire does not think within the limits that already exist but looks at opportunities for further growth. Stubborn and stubborn are therefore two words that apply very well to a millionaire. With this mindset, it can often happen that you have to go against the opinions of others and remain convinced of your good ideas. Of course, this happens with trial and error, because every millionaire has also had his or her setbacks. The difference is only that they see failure as something that goes with it and something that you learn from. After a delay, they repack and continue as long as they succeed, and they end up victorious.
Create something unique
Most people who are millionaires have achieved this because they have created something unique. Here we mean a unique product or a unique service. But when exactly do you speak of something unique? It mainly means that it must have a certain value for people and that it must affect the mass.
Millionaires do not earn their money by thinking of themselves alone, but because they want to develop products and services that help other people. For example, an online sports store where everyone can order items is more valuable than a physical sports store on the corner of the street. Another starting point is to see which products or services currently have value and where the gap lies in the market. Is there a significant demand for student houses? Then become a player in the real estate market. Is there a demand for a better software program? Then develop it. So be aware of the value your product or service has for people and what distinguishes you from the rest. Secondly, it is important that you influence the mass. If you want to earn millions, you have to be able to serve millions of people.
Become a millionaire via the internet
The easiest way to speak to millions of people today is via the internet. Here the limits are endless, and you can appeal to everyone. The internet has ensured that entrepreneurship is accessible to everyone with a computer and internet connection. Also, it is the ideal opportunity to set up a scalable business that grows quickly.
In the end, few people become millionaires by working on an 'hourly invoice' basis or by working for a boss. That is why it is crucial that when you start doing business (via the internet), you can organize this scalable and quickly grow. A technique such as the Lean Startup method can help you validate your idea and ensure that you can scale quickly. Would you like to become a millionaire by starting your own company or startup? Then it may be interesting to get investors behind you. These can stimulate the growth of your company through capital injections.
Take risks
What millionaires still have in common with each other is that they do not shy away from taking risks. If you do not receive any chances in life, you will make big steps less quickly. Millionaires, therefore, do not attach too much value to a permanent job and a good shelter but have an inexhaustible drive to make it even better. Taking a risk can also mean taking risks to invest. This may mean that you do risky investments, but also that you invest a lot of money in your own company. Most millionaires dare to take a lot of risks because they are convinced of their plan and have the balls to take a gamble.
Start early
If you want to become a millionaire, it is best to start early. Start early with what then? Here we mean that you cannot start learning early enough, develop yourself and set up your own company. Many people always keep an idea in the back of their minds to start their own business but only do something with them when they are thirty or forty. This is not a favorable time because there is often more at stake. Around this age, people have a house, a car and maybe children. This means that you will, therefore, be less likely to take risks and invest less in your company, because you want financial security. So if you want to become a millionaire, then it is best to start early with your own company and have the urge to continuously develop.
Spend your free time wisely
Millionaires see time as something very precious. They want to organize all the time they have as efficiently and effectively as possible. Where you might go to the pub in your spare time, a millionaire tries to learn more and develop himself. You will never see a millionaire bored because with the mindset of a millionaire you always want to stay busy. Optimizing website, following courses, discovering opportunities to collaborate, analyze, discuss new ideas and so on. Millionaires always see opportunities to grow and learn more. They can be quite proud of where they are now and what they have achieved, but they never stand still and always think three steps forward.
Start saving
To think big you have to start small. This also applies to your finances. If you wish to become a millionaire and lead a financially independent life, you have to learn how to deal with your money. Most millionaires are indeed very economical when it comes to money. They have a not too materialistic attitude, but rather save on 'useless' expenses. All the money you save on your subscriptions, luxury goods, groceries, and bills can be invested in other things. If you have your own company, use your money wisely and invest in new technologies, personnel or marketing concepts. To become a millionaire, it is therefore wise to use your money for innovation and development of yourself or your company.
Lucky factor
We can not ignore it because being a millionaire is also a factor of luck. Many millionaires write a book and publish their vision to become a millionaire. Often, however, they do not include the factor of happiness in this. You can ask yourself if this millionaire would apply his technique 100 times, how often he could become a millionaire with it.
Other examples that include a lucky factor are all talents who train hard every day and who have finally been discovered. Think of professional footballers, good singers, and famous athletes. Another example that we call a lucky factor is that you are a rich heir, so that after a death suddenly a great legacy is left behind for you.
The last example that we should not forget is winning a big sum of money. Some people win the lottery and become a millionaire in one go. This opportunity to win the lottery is very small, and it is not a good strategy. A disadvantage of winning the lottery is that people often do not even know how to handle their money. They have not earned money themselves and spend most of their money in the short term. Also though the majority of the Netherlands is in their hands during the New Year's Eve with a state lock, it is better not to wait for this happiness in life.
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