Employer's Dog

in #lifelast year

This is a long rant about the company I am working with. It's been a while since I posted something work related, but today is too much.

I always complain how the management kisses the ass of its client. How they were not a pro-employee company. By how we felt voiceless. I managed to survived more than a year working here as I really want to work it out. I am getting older and as much as possible, I really want to avoid starting over again in terms of my employment. However, if the company consistently deprived it's employees benefits, then enough.

I filed my resignation last month and currently rendering. I planned to apply for a loan on a government agency. I did what was required to avail the loan. To my surprise, for those year and months I worked with them, my contributions were not remitted. If I tell you in detailed what happened, the heads up I gave you on this article being long, will surpass your expectations. So to make it simple, I admitted that I had mistakes but I wasn't informed about the process and if by chance something happen to me, luckily none, I won't get anything as my employer is not updated to the said agencies.

Up until now that I am close to ending my employment with them, no actions were taken. I had a discussion with our HR personnel regarding this matter, but they want me to cover the penalty incurred for the remittance of my contributions. I bargained for it to be in a 50-50 basis and still waiting for their response. I am very much cooperative in this kind of matter since it is something that I will need in the future. I never thought I'd experience this kind of problem with my employer.

Aside from the rant I had before about how the account or the client demands an impossible goal to get the incentives, here are some of bs we experienced/experiencing with this employer:

They got stricter in getting the attendance bonus. We are eligible for the attendance bonus if a hundred percent attendance was attained. Basically, it is something in our control. This just happened recently, which triggers why my friend and I filed for resignation.

My friend got mildly sick and was afraid to report onsite. It is also a precaution to not spread any virus she might be carrying at the time. Since she had her company's laptop, she requested to work at home until she gets better, rather than losing the 5,000 attendance bonus. Mind you, she have her medical certificate. When she logged in to start working, she was forcibly logged out by her Team Lead and was advised to just rest for the day, so that she can report back onsite the next day. As per them "Health is wealth" insert sarcasm, cost cutting ehem. We learned that the same thing happened to others regardless of the reasons. They are refusing to give us the right to work at home if our performance does not meet the monthly goal, with no exemptions may it be medical or emergency reasons. They would rather have the agent loses their attendance bonus, instead of allowing them on a work from home setup.

Something like that happened to me personally. I presented Zehra's medical documents at work so that I can work at home to at least monitor her recovery. I actually did great in terms of performance when I was working at home compare to when I was onsite. But since, I was a sale away from the target, they wanted me back onsite. I did informed my Team Lead about how my stats improved. I was given a chance to stay at the work at home setup, if and only if, I provide sale/s weekly. As if it is easy, considering the account was off peak. Instead of being bombarded by daily reminders to hit this and that, I voluntarily went back to site.

From the time that we got regularized, we signed the form for the performance appraisal. This happened July of this year. Until yesterday, we were informed that the appraisal will only cover the performance for September 15, not from July as what was discussed. Of course there were lots of side comments and complains, but the management shrugged it off. Just today during my shift, we had a meeting informing us that our account was not eligible for the appraisal as it was incentivized, bs. As per them the memo was released way back 2020. Follow up explanation is that those who got their increase last year was due to the mistake of our HR. Since we had our own group chat without the bosses in our workspace, we have discussed it with the others. Some of them were those who received the appraisal last year. They mentioned that there were tons of HR discussions/meetings regarding the increase before they got it. So it is impossible that the memo was created in 2020. After we got regularized, we were given a new contract with the information of the benefits we will receive, I don't really know why are they trying to implement a 2020's memorandum, again bs. I shouldn't be affected by this since I am already rendering, but I am also eligible to get the retro appraisail as it will be credited in the 30th.

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