How is your life today?

in #life7 years ago

The first stepping stone to creating our future is understanding what is happening in our lives today and to do that we are going to look at our lives as if it were a wheel. This will give us a vivid visual representation of the way we see our life so that we can clearly see areas which may be off balance and needing attention.


The wheel is split into eight sections which are designed to help us recognize the different areas of our lives and reveal which aspects of our lives are important to us. Let's talk about each area of the wheel asking ourselves the following questions:

• Personal Development

Do you have enough time to spend on yourself and for yourself? It could be time spent learning a new skill, learning how to be more confident, going to the hairdressers, or the sports school but you can also classify here the time you are able to give yourself for self-reflection.

• Career

How much time and energy is spent focused on your work, or looking for work? Do you really enjoy your job or are you looking for opportunities to really develop or change your career?

• Close relationships

How important are close relationships to you; by close relationships I mean your partner, your children? If you don’t have one or either, does that matter to you?

• Family, Friendships

How important, and how much time and energy have you to develop and nurture friendships, and family relationships?

• Health

How important is your health? Are you happy with your state of health at present or is there something you feel needs to be addressed?

• Wealth

Are you content with the amount of money you have to live on? Are you providing for the future? Do you need to address anything in this area of your life?

• Spirituality / Community Contribution

Many people today shy away from all things spiritual. If you practice a religion, think about how important this is to you, but think also about what you give back to society, in the form of volunteering, community work, helping others, helping the environment.

• Emotional / Hobbies

Are you able to keep your emotional life healthy by maintaining a balance between work and leisure time? Are all your emotional needs met? Are you content yourself?

Hope these questions helping you to find a new radiography of you!



This is indeed a good start to check on your life and have the general view. The only mention is that it's ok not to have all the area developed in the same time. Each of them is part of an evolutionary level and they come in time. We can feel complete even if we don't invest energy in the most "evoluate"ones like spirituality, for example.

You're right, we don't have to develop all sections at the same time, but it's important to maintain a balance.

@emag i think that relation is very important and don't need lose time, just use it for relation.

usefull chart, very beneficial when you don't know what's missing in your life. a good reminder

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