*Races of the Multiverse 2: Zeta (Grays)*

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Having populated many movies and TV series, comic books, novels, games and the New Age cult materials since the 1950’s, the mainstream have painted a completely wrong view of these beings in general. Depicting them as hostile and robotic; when in fact they are the opposite of that. So, who are these beings I’m talking about?

Today, we’ll be taking a look at the beings popularly known as Grays.

Zetas are in fact another species of Human. They are a hybrid of Plant and Human which is very obvious from the distinct plant features in the make-up of their internal flora and originate from Zeta Reticulum constellation. Their creator Lokes currently serves as their Nayak, having taken over that role from their former Nayak Zeta Ayetan, who got removed due to corruption.

Generally, Zetas are about 3-4 feet in height. Although, some of the more ancient ones are up to 5 feet tall. They have these big almond-shaped eyes a large bulbous head, usually have a slim build and are light gray in colour, hence why they are referred to as Grays. Zetas are dioecious, but have no external genitalia; making it difficult to tell an individual one’s gender from another. The act of procreation is not done in a way a lot of us are used to, as what happens is; a male and female Zeta embrace each other first, then a vine-like appendage extends from the belly of the male into that of the female. Through this, life-essence from the male is passed into the womb of the female and conception takes place. This is also the same way it is done if it’s an inter-species union, e.g. a Zeta and an Ekken Human.

Due to bombings which happened on the surface of their home planet Retuban by corrupted entities in the past, they don’t live on the surface anymore, but instead live underground (which naturally has cool temperatures); sustained by their technology which helps make life there more comfortable. The star in their solar system is an old one, and their planet experiences extremes; it is always very bright or very dark on the surface and because of the amount of radioactivity caused by the bombings, the surface is about a 100 degrees Celsius, cooling down significantly at night, when groups of them come out for communal walks and hangouts. To go to the surface even during the day, they wear protective suits which look like they are made of aluminium foil, but are very efficient for their purpose. Even with no constructed structures on the surface of Retuban, it is amazing that some plant life still manages to thrive there!

Zetas are experts who impress with their high level of technology on their planet and beyond. It is no surprise then that their language “Zeta Ren” is used by all beva (beam-ship) engineers and flight instructors as the predominate language for transportation and also for collaborating with engineering projects.

Zetas are a very communal species, and enjoy taking community baths, as a way to strengthen their bond with each other. In Zeta culture, being naked in each other’s presence is an act of showing the trust they have for one another and is a very common occurrence amongst them. There is nothing even remotely sexual about this as it would be for us, because they have a different relationship with their bodies than we do.

Having the racial qualities of Doctor/Physician/Surgeon, Zetas are playful beings highly capable of healing physical structures and developing advanced technology. The Zetas thirst for Knowledge and Wisdom in all things and particularly love to create things with their own hands or write out ideas in journals or by hand. They have a need to stimulate their analytical minds and challenge their abilities to generate technology for healing or transportation for the good of all.

For a long time on this planet, we Humans have associated these beings with something very hostile and artificial. This could not be farther from the truth, because the irony of the situation is that they are the ones who have suffered greatly at the hands of some of us.

Since the Roswell crash in the 1940’s, numbers of Grays have been captured and imprisoned by a number of black-op organisations, governments and co-operations. A series of other crashes happened after the Roswell incident but largely did not find their way to the news. These beings were secretly dragged to secret research facilities, tortured, dissected, vivisected among other horrors. This happened right under the nose of the public. Around cities where people lived, all because we Humans are too ignorant, because we don’t want to be responsible for our lives, let alone that of others, because we have been too cowardly to assert our right as sovereign beings of this planet and stand firm to protect and nurture all beings in our space!

Another major piece of misinformation being circulated about Zetas is that of the Breeding Program. Sure Zetas had population issues, but they would never desire to treat us that way and DO NOT need to abduct us to increase their population. They were being forced by these black-op organisations which had imprisoned them to abduct Humans for their experiments because, owing to their advanced technology, they can carry out such a process in a seamless way. All this happening, while all the blame was unjustly put on them.

Now, who was a major culprit in this slavery? Apple Cooperation. You read right, Apple. Apple had these Concentration Camps in Orion constellation where they imprisoned Zetas and forced them to release their technology, which partly explains the surprising leap in technology in this Era. So basically, what was happening is the prototypes for Apple products were manufactured in Orion, space-shipped to China; finished and packaged there and then to consumers around the world.

Even with all of the technology they released to Apple Cooperation (most of which still hasn’t been seen by the public), there was a limit, they knew that there were great potential dangers if they gave them anymore. So, they all decided to refuse to give them anymore technology. Even if they faced the worst horrors possible, they were willing to sacrifice themselves to save other beings, us, from harm. A lot of them ended up dying in the process.

Now that things are getting healed and resolved in creation, the Zetas have been no exception; finally in recent times gaining independence on their planet once more after having faced eons of abuse and tyranny. Zetas have great affection for us Ekken Humans because they know that we both are related on different levels. Having been here many times in the past, sharing knowledge and wisdom with us, they are constantly trying to help us and our planet Ekken Ekeinne and have deactivated or fixed faulty nuclear reactors a couple of times in the past, to save us from danger. Along with a host of other benevolent beings, Zetas are working round the clock to help bring about ET Disclosure on this planet. The sooner each individual lets go of lies and fear programming, the sooner we shall all have the opportunity to interact and share our reality with them, enjoying all the goodness and quality of life these beautiful beings have to offer.

Light and Void

Here is footage of actual Zetas for you to watch: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjd7-yrsuLYAhVCAcAKHac_C20QtwIIMjAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXswfEzKE0UQ&usg=AOvVaw2UbLlipo2zcMZ9bt2Z_d4E





Pic Source: Google images


great stuff, If you don't mind, You can leave me a reply with the launch time of your next post, so I can promote it. I see you have many great posts . Have you promoted any previous posts?

Hello @brotherdave! Thank you very much! It will be by 9:00pm WAT Sunday. Although, this is part 2 in my series on races. If you are interested in that, i'll be posting part 3 the same time next Wednesday. Anyway, thank you for the compliment, glad to see you enjoyed them. No, i haven't really promoted any post, except sending some SBD to a whale to upvote your post counts as promotion, then yes, yes i have. Cheers.

You got a 41.32% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @eluemina!

@elumina what is this and how do i do it for you?

great content! and thanks again for following!

Thank you very much! It is my pleasure! :)

Oh wow! Thank you for the insight. I learned so much. May I ask where your knowledge cones from? I am so starved for truth. I have come to understand the answers are within me, but i am a young and forgetful old soul in need of guidance. Bless you new friend.

You're most welcome! @greenheartwitch My knowledge comes partially from the people who provided the information in the sources i cited below the article, from years of research, and my own paranormal/ET experiences. You are very right about all answers being within you, but you are a sovereign being. You don't need to follow the guidance of some authority figure, all you need is a helping hand, some assistance. I look forward to seeing you in the future. Bless you too.

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