Why is our brain divided into two? Part 1.

in #life7 years ago

Hi Steemian.

Across the web, the available information on the research and investigation of the human brain shows a wide range of conclusions and theories that try to explain why this amazing organ is divided into two. Despite the confusion this amount of data generates, it’s possible to draw some conclusions from personal experiences.

I’m not a scientist nor a neurologist but I think that through the knowledge about ourselves we can get a comprehensive view on how our divided brain works. Analysing what scientists have discovered on this matter and the conclusions we can draw from our own analysis, we should realise that we will never understand perfectly how our brain works. However, we will try to describe and use our reason to explain the effects of this biological condition.

The left and right hemispheres of our brain.

Many scientific studies have confirmed that our brain shares the tasks it performs across different areas located in the cerebral matter. Using cerebral TAC’s, they have detected the brain’s behaviour through a variety of tests that show amazing results. These results ratified that the left hemisphere of the brain has a direct relation with mental logic processes while the right hemisphere has to do with abstract and creative processes.

The logic processes involve concepts such as mathematics and exact sciences as opposed to abstract processes which include dreams, emotions and for example, arts. This raises a simple question: ¿Why is our brain divided? It is possible that on an argumentative level we can say that the way the brain is divided is based upon efficiency. Actually, the majority of academics and experts on this field try to explain this phenomenon arguing that the brain works on a bipartisan way, however, they cannot come to any clear conclusion. These arguments are evidently more logical. In my opinion, the so called experts draw conclusions from a logical point of view which means the information and knowledge about the brain only comes from one part of their brain. This brings us to another question: ¿Is it correct to make use of only one part of our brain in the everyday’s mental processes?

I have to confess I think this is an unusual question that opens up the door for imagination. If we considered that doctors obtain their knowledge from academic studies and under logic processes, ¿what would their prognosis be if they added emotions and abstract images? ¿what procedure would they use in order to improve a patient’s health? ¿what would we experience in our brains?

¿What is, in reality, our right hemisphere for?

We have discussed how the left hemisphere of our brain works logically in our lives and how common this part is due to the constant and general use of it in this material world. However, we should think about what role the right hemisphere of our brain plays on problem solving and decision making; this means, if we don’t use logic (to which we easily react) then ¿what is the right hemisphere for? Therefore, these questions do not only lead us to find logical reasons but also take us beyond what we understand and towards deeper thoughts. In my personal experience, I relate everything abstract and connected to arts with the capacity to dream while sleeping. Consequently, this deepness of thoughts and concepts makes us ask another question: ¿how can dreams be of some use in our daily life? People whose focus is on different areas of art such as painting, sculpture and music, are more likely to easily answer this question.

Practical example of the right hemisphere or the abstract world

Previously we talked about both logic and abstract parts of our brain, so now I’d like to tell you about my personal experience with dreams. ¿Do you understand why you have dreams and what for? ¿Do you remember your dreams often?
I have come across with two main areas of dreams: the first one is the capacity of creating different scenarios in parallel universes and the second one is the ability to consciously experience the astral world. To be honest, I didn't take the academic approach to reach a better understanding of this topic but rather, I began a long internal process throughout several years by following very closely all my dreams. In my research I found relationships between millions of equations the mind solves in order to create emotional outcomes which are reflected on my personal daily life. Hence, this allows me to foresee scenarios and situations with people that will happen in the future and of which there hasn’t physically been any established interaction. I have spoken to some people who take dreams as something naturally common that happens during the night and to which there isn’t much attention given; others remember their dreams but have not idea what they mean and prefer to ignore them, arguing that they are no more than a crazy way sometimes our brain behaves. In relation to our conscious state of mind, or in other words when we are awake, linking ourselves to our supersensitivity is possible. When I talk about supersensitivity, I mean the senses that exist apart from the five we already know of: the physical senses are directly related to our body and flesh. Therefore, if our dreams could be linked to our supersensitivity, ¿what would happen if we were able to understand them all?

In my process, I was gradually more and more involved with my dreams to the point where I realized I was opening a door to an unknown and infinite world. As the questions arose, more doors opened before me and, to my fortune, this situation became a constant elevation of consciousness. This is the motivation that pushes me forward to find the answers to my questions and to open more doors to unexplored worlds; I know all of these secrets reside within me and it’s something I wouldn’t have imagined existed.


From the moment you start to develop this process on a practical level, your perception over the physical reality gradually changes. You’re more aware of your own capabilities to comprehend everything that under normal circumstances you wouldn’t have understood. You start asking yourself profound questions about life and your purpose as you go deeper into a mental process of philosophical concepts. I’ve always believed that listening or reading about the thoughts of important philosophers and trying to understand them, isn’t the same as personally living and experience them. Obviously, these experiences are confusing and generate lots of questions at the beginning but the results are very satisfactory. Among these doubts, there are very interesting questions such as ¿How can I join the two hemispheres of my brain? We will talk about this and more questions on the second part. Stay tuned.

To be continued.

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