The strangest wars the world has known...
- The shortest war in history: only 38 minutes
she was Between England and Zanzibar, it did not end in a month or even days, but it ended after just 38 minutes from its start, and as expected it was a landslide victory for the English.
The main cause of the war was the sudden death of Sultan Zanzibar in 1896, and as the Sultan was actually an English blood, it was never acceptable to the English when his nephew took power, To reach power. As a result, the British quickly threatened the war and asked the new Sultan to abdicate within hours or else they would take off quickly and force him out.
2-Ear war broken
During the 6th and 17th centuries, the European kingdoms had found a great treasure for them, the Americas and their new world. The conflict intensified with the attempts of each of these kingdoms to build settlements and colonize everything that could be controlled from the new world. The horns carried many wars between the European empires, some very large and others unimportant and usually overlooked.
This war between the English and the Spanish between 1739 and 1743, although limited to some of the unprofitable maritime confrontations of either side and did not include any real events, is interesting because it was used as an excuse to start it originally, as it was argued that the Spaniards have cut the ear of a famous English smuggler , Although this reason seems strange to a war, it becomes stranger when you know that the cut off ear of the getaway was more than 8 years before the war began.
The story comes from an agreement between the English and the Spanish at that time, which allowed English vessels to trade up to 500 tons of cargo every year within the Caribbean islands under Spanish rule. The British also gave the right to sell slaves indefinitely. There were no cases of smuggling, so when the Spanish arrested the smugglers they tortured and killed them. These actions were not really important, as they were very predictable.
But for some reason the issue of the English smuggler (Robert Jenkins) was different. He was arrested while fleeing in 1731, and was hit by a sword. It was completely out of place and no one cared for him until eight years later, when the story of Jenkins and his broken ear were exploited to garner public support for a war in Spain, and Jenkins's ear succeeded in doing what was needed.
3-War of Aquarius
During several centuries of the Middle Ages, Italy, and especially the northern part, was the scene of many conflicts and wars between independent cities. Some of these cities were under papal influence from the Vatican, while the rest were under the influence of the other powerful pole in Europe at the time: the Holy Roman Empire. However, while the atmosphere of wars and urban conflicts prevailed then, wars needed justification, of course, and the justification for this war was a bucket.
The story is that soldiers from the town of Modena sneaked into the city of Bologna and stole the water bucket from the central well of the city and took it with them to their city amid celebrations. Of course, it was considered a major insult, so it declared war on Modena and mobilized a large army of about 32,000 troops to meet the only 7,000 soldiers of Modena.