[LUFFY and PAMI] The reality about living with cats

in #life5 years ago

Since I started steemit writing about my kitties I thought I'll do an update about how they have been doing and how life has been living with them.

Luffy is now 3 years old and he goes out all day, he comes back after 2-3 hours to eat and most of the time he goes back out again unless he's too tired and just sleeps most of the day, so basically I barely see him and the only interaction with him is giving him food and letting him in/out. But he is a very smart cat. He doesn't wanna eat leftover food and if you want him to eat it you have to persuade him by petting him and bringing the food closer to him. It's kind of funny how sophisticated a cat can be. Whenever my mom gets up or out of the couch, he wakes up immediately and starts moving and goes to the food. A few days ago when I was in the garden it's almost like he sensed that I was out and came back to the garden from wherever he was with his meowing. Another situation is whenever we come back home from somewhere he hears the car and recognizes the sound it makes and comes back home right away as well. When I see him in the wild he looks so damn gorgeous, like a lion but when I see him inside he looks like a wild animal and not like a pet. Living with Luffy has been easy even though sometimes he can get a bit annoying with his meowing, because he meows a lot.

Luffy came to sleep next to me in my bed

On the other side there's my other cat Pami. She is 1 year old now and still doesn't want to have any kids. She loves Luffy but Luffy doesn't pay much attention to her. She is not allowed to go outside and I keep telling my parents not to let her out because that's how Luffy started going outside, but they still do it from time to time and I keep telling him hoping that they will listen. But recently we've started just to open windows instead of the front door which we usually open and she's been standing in front of it quite a lot and looking outside.

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Pami looking out of the window in the living room

Pami has always been much more active than my other cat, she plays a lot with balls which we make from aluminium foil. I think she likes them the most because they make sounds. She also runs around the house from time to time hoping that you will play with her and sometimes I do end up chasing her around the house. She never asks for food, if you give her any she's satisfied enough and she doesn't meow that much. Her meows are rather cute and soft and I always call her when she does and she comes to me right away. She likes being petted and she comes to me whenever I open the door in the morning and keeps asking to be petted. She is by far the cutest, fluffiest and purest cat I've ever had, I've had like 4 so far so there's not much but I love her the most I've ever loved any cat. She's an angel!

Pami's usual sleeping place

However living with persian cats isn't easy at all. You have many problems with fleas, ticks and hair that falls out from. Then there's a whole other bunch of things, like I keep Pami inside so she has to have a toilet place and it starts to stink rather quickly and taking out the poop is never easy, the stink can easily make you vomit from how bad it smells. When you pet them also a lot of hair falls out and is on your hands, or on your clothes. You can say goodbye to no hair on your clothes because it's impossible to not have any when you have cats. However there's one nice thing about living with them and that is about happy they make you when you see them. Their sole existence makes you happy and you can't stop yourself from adoring them because they are so cute and so sweet and all they give is love. And they better because I give them food and shelter and there's many cats that don't have that!

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Luffy and Pami looking out of my window together

Thank you so much for reading!

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Pami waiting for you to upvote the post!

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