Hoy quiero unirme a las muchas mujeres que están alzando su voz para motivar a otras mujeres a denunciar los abusos sufridos. Today I want to join the many women who are raising their voices to motivate other women to denounce the abuses suffered.

in #life7 years ago

Era un día normal como otro en mi vida, no era muy sociable, tampoco tenía muchos amigos y no salía casi de mi casa, mis padres son ese tipo de padres que son muy religiosos apegados a sus creencias, tanto que están dispuestos a morir por ellas si lo amerita, por lo tanto no salía de mi casa porque según mis padres estaba mal visto que una chica saliera de su casa seguido, ese día estaba un tanto harta de estar encerrada y le dije a mi padre, en un tono alto, que saldría de allí con o sin su consentimiento, y así lo hice, entre gritos salí de mi casa eran como las 3 de la tarde y camine mucho bajo el ardiente sol que hace en estos lados del mundo, llegue a una plaza en donde se acostumbraban reunir algunas “amistades” y conocidos, vi a una chica que era muy amiga mía para ese momento y me dijo que haría una reunión pequeña en su casa, yo sabía que mi padre no me dejaría ir, ya estaba anocheciendo y había ido a su casa, quedaba cerca de la mía en la misma urbanización, le escribo a mi papa un mensaje de texto, y el inmediatamente me responde que me vaya para la casa, él había ido al trabajo y estaba en una reunión, yo le dije que me quedaría pues no estaba haciendo nada malo solo compartiendo con una amiga, se hizo más de noche y mi teléfono no paraba de sonar, decidí apagarlo, ya más entrada la noche a las 9:00 pm mi amiga me dice que fuera con un primo de ella a buscar más bebidas pues se habían acabado, eso implicaba ir en carro hasta el sitio y comprar, decidí hacerlo, dije por qué no? Me monto en el carro y subo con el primo de ella, el me miraba de cierta forma que me incomodaba, buscaba temas de conversación, pero realmente no estaba de muchos ánimos de hablar, solo pensaba en que no debía haber tratado así a mis padres, el remordimiento no me dejaba, le dije que por favor me llevara a mi casa de regreso, era muy tarde ya y era peligroso que me fuera sola, él me dijo (cito):

  • Sabes? yo tengo permiso y licencia para el porte y uso de armas de fuego
  • Me estaba empezando a dar mucho miedo lo que decía y no respondí a tal comentario
  • Escuchaste? (pregunto), tengo una aquí (me la muestra)
    -Si? (respondí con voz quebrada y asustada)
  • Tu harás todo lo que yo te diga ok?
  • Sabía que si intentaba hacer algo podía matarme, era un hombre mayor que yo tenía unos 32 años y yo tenía solo 14, no hice nada y me quede inmóvil, íbamos a toda velocidad por carretera.
    Me llevo a un hotel y me dijo que me bajara y entrara a la habitación, no quiero entrar en detalles de todo, pero si, el me violo mientras me quitaba la ropa yo lloraba y le decía que no quería que por favor me llevara a mi casa que parara, me dijo que me callara, así lo hice no dije ni una palabra, mientras me penetraba ni me moví, termino y me dijo que me vistiera rápido, lo hice, me mando a salir de la habitación y a montarme en el carro lo hice, durante todo el camino no dije nada me dejo botada lejos de mi casa y de la de mi amiga, me tuve que ir caminando a las 1:00 am a mi casa y decidí no llorar llego a mi casa mi papa me estaba esperando, tuve el valor para decirle nada de lo ocurrido yo había sido violada, sin decir nada solo llegue a la cocina tome unas pastillas para dormir de mi mama y me tome todo lo que quedaba, eran 4 pastillas, y me fui a mi cuarto recuerdo que dormí como 32 horas, mi papa pensó que había ingerido licor, pero no ni una gota de licor, me sentía mal débil, pero decidí suprimir todo eso e mi mente hasta que ya no me dejo dormir el recordar todo, fue un mes después que le conté a mis padres entre lágrimas gruesas de dolor lo sucedido
    Cuento todo esto porque:
    1- Es real y es mi historia
    2- Quiero que muchas mujeres pierdan el miedo y denuncien si han sufrido algún tipo de abuso o maltrato
    3- Por qué las injusticias no pueden quedar impunes
    No sé cuántas personas vean esto pero espero que me ayudes a compartirlo y apoyes esta causa y si eres hombre o tienes hijas cuídalas


It was a normal day like another in my life, I was not very sociable, I did not have many friends and I did not leave almost from my house, my parents are that kind of parents who are very religious and attached to their beliefs, so much that they are willing to die for if she deserves it, therefore I did not leave my house because according to my parents it was frowned upon for a girl to leave her house in a row, that day she was a bit tired of being locked up and I told my father, in a high tone, I would leave there with or without his consent, and I did so, I shouted out of my house and it was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I walked a lot under the hot sun that is on these sides of the world, I reached a square where They used to gather some "friends" and acquaintances, I saw a girl who was very close to me at that moment and she told me that she would have a small meeting in her house, I knew that my father would not let me go, it was already getting dark and I had gone to his house, was close to mine in the same urban I write to my dad a text message, and he immediately tells me to go home, he had gone to work and was in a meeting, I told him I would stay because I was not doing anything bad just by sharing with a friend, it became more at night and my phone did not stop ringing, I decided to turn it off, and more late at night at 9:00 pm my friend tells me to go with a cousin of her to look for more drinks because they were finished, that meant going by car to the site and buying, I decided to do it, I said why not? I ride in the car and go up with her cousin, he looked at me in a way that made me uncomfortable, I was looking for conversation topics, but I really was not in the mood to talk, I just thought that I should not have treated my parents like that , the remorse would not let me, I told him to please take me to my house back, it was too late and it was dangerous for me to go away alone, he told me (quote):

-You know? I have permission and license for the carrying and use of firearms

  • I was starting to be very scared what he was saying and I did not respond to such comment
  • You listened? (I ask), I have one here (shows it to me)
    -Yes? (I answered in a broken and frightened voice)
  • You will do everything I say ok?
  • I knew that if I tried to do something I could kill myself, I was an older man than I was about 32 years old and I was only 14, I did not do anything and I stayed motionless, we were going at full speed by road.

He took me to a hotel and told me to get off and go into the room, I do not want to go into details of everything, but if he raped me while I took off my clothes I would cry and tell him that he did not want me to please take me to my house to stop, told me to shut up, so I did not say a word, while I penetrated or moved, finished and told me to get dressed quickly, I did, I ordered to leave the room and ride in the I did it all the way, I did not say anything, it left me drifting away from my house and my friend's, I had to walk at 1:00 am to my house and I decided not to cry, my dad came to my house. I was waiting, I had the courage to tell him nothing of what happened I had been raped, without saying anything I just came to the kitchen I took some pills to sleep on my mom and I took all that was left, they were 4 pills, and I went to my Fourth I remember that I slept about 32 hours, my dad thought he had ingested liquor, but not a drop of liquor, Aunt badly weak, but I decided to suppress all that and my mind until I no longer let myself sleep remembering everything, it was a month after I told my parents between tears of pain what happened
I count all this because:
1- It is real and it is my story
2- I want many women to lose their fear and report if they have suffered any type of abuse or mistreatment
3- Why injustices can not go unpunished
I do not know how many people see this but I hope you will help me share it and support this cause and if you are a man or have daughters, take care of them

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