Our goal is sterile perfection...

in #life8 years ago (edited)


After reading these articles about eradicating down syndrome all I can say is we need to stop playing at being God and stop manipulating life and the world, for all we know our great inventions are causing children to be born with a variety of symptoms like autism, for example, that is presently on the rise.

Will those children be next? Einstein was borderline autistic as were a number of other geniuses.

For some reason our present day and age wants to clean up everything, make our journey through life squeaky clean and smooth, with no bumps, no aberrations, no challenges. Our goal is sterile perfection, void of emotion.

We pick and choose which life we revere and which is expendable. So cows are treated abusively on corporate farms, shackled in small enclosures their whole lives, and dogs get to lie on warm pillows in front of our warm chimneys at home.

I believe we are put here on earth to overcome handicaps and challenges, and one of them may be to raise a down syndrome child, perhaps to teach you patience. No one really knows why we are born and die, but it is for a much greater reason I think than to simply coast through life comfortably.

Photograph: Oliver and Sebbie Shone


for all we know our great inventions are causing children to be born with a variety of symptoms like autism,

this is massively wrong. autism has been around since homosapiens became a species. We do have evidence for that since the change is a genetic mutation. nature doesn't care about mutations going either way. It just keeps the good ones and moves on

Instead of spreading this kind of misinformation try to open a book instead

"The number of children diagnosed with autism or related disorders has grown at what many call an alarming rate. In the 1970s and 1980s, about one out of every 2,000 children had autism. Today, the CDC estimates that one in 150 8-year-olds in the U.S. has an autism spectrum disorder, or ASD."

Maybe you Kyriacos could read more informative books...hahahahaha

"This new safe test looks for baby DNA in the blood of the mother to check for markers of Down's Syndrome" - often afterwards Mothers when they learn that their baby has Down Syndrome choose to abort. No clowns here Noone....

Almost seems like social engineering, its an easy moral manipulation using the medical establishment to influence the decision to abort.

I dont know much about any particular medical conditions, however, if one looks into a new developing field of genetic study called epi-genetics there you might find the links between our environment and the human phenotype expressions that are being discriminated against.

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