Recently Tom Hanks Mentioned How To Change The World - Do you think anyone caught it or even understood?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

     I'm surprised! I rarely hear things from people in the spotlight that stand out as such a positive. Especially when telling people a direction to go. Even if he doesn't have all the answers or the correct ones. Tom Hanks understands where to find them.

     Movies actually have a lot of hidden knowledge that people don't know about or understand. So it's not surprising to me that someone from the movies would say such a thing. The masses never received a full disclosure on pretty much anything. I will reference some movies, or lines here and there along my steemit journey to point out certain material. My favorite that I will get to go over next time is in the Truman Show. When the man in charge of it all says he (Truman) is the "first child to be legally adopted by a corporation". It's a hint to what's going on today and has far deeper meaning. Many things are hidden in plain sight. Some people believe others are sharing stuff in and among entertainment all the time. They are correct. However, most are picking up on the programming tools and not the meaning of important information. Ultimately following and unwittingly being consumed by the distractions or connections. Which makes others consider them to be conspiracy theorists. Hopefully I brought or will continue to bring more clarity with my work.

     "People are upset about what's going on today. They're furious, they're frustrated, they're worked up." Tom Hanks mentions. "If you're concerned about what's going on today, read history and figure out what to do because it's all right there" he said. Do you think it matters to him if you figure it out? 

Picture by: Theo Wargo / Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival

From Article:

     What he says in that statement is right on. Simply because it is all right there (In History). When you start digging that is. People arguing about politics, the U.S., or the Flag, are just creating frequencies and energies that don't allow the light to expand. It's allowing darkness to continue to exist and overshadow all. 

     When researching, it shows what we are taught in schools is not accurate. It's meant to keep us a particular way. Indoctrinating systems for kids basically. Into Nationalism and the industrial army, workforce etc.. To develop the masses into a society where people truly have no rights. Right now people barely have any with the illusion they have many. It's quite fascinating actually. Let me share this with you. If you consider yourself a citizen of a country, you are basically stating that you are an artificial person. I will break this down in my next post as well. To prevent myself from going off topic even further than what I am about to now. Just food for thought till then.

     Quick example of schooling. Rockefeller founded the General Education Board in the early 1900's. It provided major amounts of funding (in excess of 100 million at the time) across what they want people to believe is a country with states. Before the 1840's, the school system across the Republic of America was decentralized. Americans were well educated. Home schooling was common. However in 1852 Massachusetts signed and passed the first mandatory attendance law. It all went down hill from there of course. More found here if it's calling your name... 

At the beginning of the article you should notice this quote...

"In "OUR DREAM" "WE HAVE" limitless resources, and "THE PEOPLE" yield themselves with perfect docility "TO OUR" molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, "WE WORK OUR OWN GOOD WILL UPON" a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. "WE ARE NOT TO" raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. "WE SHALL NOT SEARCH" for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. "NOR WILL WE CHERISH" even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply."

- Reverend Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913

     Some believe this is taken out of context from the original text. In my opinion it's not, based on what I have learned about history. It connects to so many other things. The strange part is I also agree with people that believe they did do good things in some areas. I'm sure they did some here and there and improved situations for many. The only problem is what intentions were in mind. Based on everything that occurred before then, it's hard to believe there wasn't an ulterior motive when helping. 

     Did you notice who shared these things was a business advisor to one of the names that distracts the masses regularly? Well, there was another name in history that shared perspective as an advisor to someone in 500 A.D. but ended up sharing truth against his previous writings later. A noble way I must add. Not like this at all. This man F. Gates is proud of what is taking place and supports it. Wants to help accomplish it. I will cover the whistleblower from history next time as well.

     For now... A question came up the more I looked at the quote and read the original writing a while back. I found he created the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), then designed the Rockefeller Foundation, and China Medical Board. After getting lost in interesting information for a while I went and searched Bill Gates. When I searched Bills dad he is considered Sr. and the II. William Gates Sr. as well as William Gates II. Also was a head of Planned Parenthood. In law before that. I wondered if F. Gates was his grandfather but they spent time altering information. Knowing I couldn't have been the only one to think this I searched it and found someone claiming the same thing. So if they were all family that means they had their hands in influencing ministry, schooling, medical, law, and technology. Influential families seem to have the same trends. Is this the same for a family like Drumpf? Most think so. 

     Here is what I mean on Trump.. aka Drumpf. If you never thought Trump inherited the position it's time to start questioning.

     Trump's Uncle was examiner of Tesla Files -

     Now Trump is examiner of JFK files and people want to believe its for the better. With no Truth and Transparency for all these decades after Tesla?! If JFK files don't have this sort of information...

     Especially regarding the ACCC you find after scrolling halfway down. Speaks of who really murdered JFK. Also speaks of CIA cleanup, Allen Dulles. Who was already denounced prior by JFK himself. Also mentions the most influential person of the Warren Commission was Chase Manhattan bank chairman John McCloy. Who became "attorney for Saudi based ARAMCO" and helped "David Rockefeller spirit the Shah out of Iran". There is a good chance FBI and CIA scrubbed files based on orders from MI6. 

     None of the information released by U.S. the corporation is valuable on JFK if it isn't similar to all that in that link. It was just meant to be a distraction from what's being shared already. Make it "seem" like we (as U.S. country) are making progress as a group in truth and transparency when we are not. When really it's just the U.S. the corporation making progress against the people. As well as covering up what is already out there providing truth. 

     Also, I used to believe Trump could bring change. Only because of this one guys work though. So even against everything I knew with it seeming unlikely I still thought it was possible. Now the signs are back to what was expected but makes more sense than ever. Will explain. 

     This guys work in speech reversal is actually quite telling. Here is his history...

Mentions - "Officials in Washington DC expressed interest in my work, but this abruptly ceased when I uncovered a Desert Storm code word embedded backwards into George Bush speeches." 

     The site is about the unconscious voice. You can search peoples names on his site to see specific people. So, doing this stuff since 1983 and impressed with Trump... I was surprised myself to say the least. He mentioned nobody has been more congruent than Trump before the elections. If you follow the speech reversal work from before it all makes sense. Trump believed everything he was saying. More than just a sales man. Through and through. He truly believed what he talked about. All changes... everything. He was eager to create a difference for his ego and prides sake mainly. As these men often do. When finally in position as the companies president his subconscious changed. He realized he was no longer able to accomplish anything he thought was possible. He was being molded into someone else instead. The evidence is everywhere. Especially when looking at speech reversals though, and insider perspectives. He slowly realizes he has become a pawn.

Speech Reversal: Once positive, are no longer the same.

     Shows he is realizing presidents don't have the power he expected. That's what happens. Why I covered a companies president power before. 

     An insiders perspective. The first few minutes gives an example of Trumps efforts.. the rest is things I have yet to cover so may be hard for people to put into perspective. Or maybe they know enough already so they can understand...

     Now Trump even wants to do more drilling. Ruin more land. Calls himself the builder president. Based on news articles seen lately. The masses need to step up and put U.S. the corporation in its place. Trump has no power. They have no power. Make it known U.S. don't have jurisdiction outside of D.C.. Stop supporting the prehistoric way of doing things when better has already been proposed. They bring people about slowly on purpose. Over hundred year spans realistically.

     Let's get back to the Tom Hanks story I was interested in to begin with...

     A U.S. archivist said "No actor has covered the span of 20th century American history as broadly as honoree Tom Hanks." My first thought was.. I don't see this as a problem but maybe he did. There is so much for people to learn. I can see why Hanks did. A person can't come out and say one thing about a lie in history. It's important to know like ten lies or many categories just to understand that one thing is true. This is why people are often made to look like crazies in the public eye when they are not. Sometimes they are just misrepresenting things to people who have no idea about what truly exists. Then I thought.. maybe he just wanted to keep the misrepresentation of the U.S. alive and was trying to write him off as someone who doesn't know what he is talking about because he doesn't want it discussed. So was an interesting comment conveniently placed in the article.

     When Hanks was asked about particular things in history he mentioned how it was important to have open conversations. Was trying to be encouraging in having the discussions. The only problem he mentions was discussing the destruction. Says "the destruction is anti-social". Well, I have a problem with this since the destruction is in everything. It's unavoidable. People are not even considered humans, or a natural person as we know it. He brings up a great point though. "Be intelligent, and be smart, write about it, bring it up, talk about it."

     He furthers it by saying.. 

     "As we continually move towards a more perfect union, that magnificent document (the US Constitution) out there, that might be the only self-correcting, open-ended document anywhere on the planet Earth. Keeps us going. That keeps saying that we're going to learn how to do that one thing we've already sort of done, we're going to become better and better and better," he said. I have to admit. It has kept us going even if it hasn't been valid.

    Important to note Tom Hanks seems to know the constitution doesn't hold it's weight either. "That keeps saying we're going to learn how to do that one thing we've already sort of done". 

Like explained here:

Not to mention people like Marc Stevens have been breaking this stuff down for more than a decade if people didn't know. Trying to bring about a voluntary society. 

Here is one of his videos discussing it. Discussing it with Federal Magistrate John Buttrick... 

Here is another.. No Rational Basis For Applicability of Laws - Interview with a law professor. 

     So when Hanks speaks of that magnificent document out there I kindly disagree. The evidence of all this means that the constitution's enduring strength is that it complements the Declaration of Independence. What the Declaration did, was provide the philosophical basis for a government that exercises legitimate power by "the consent of the governed". So society has accepted it by choice, force, and or both. Thinking the assumption and claim of authority by the State is valid. Ultimately showing whatever perception the people in society accept is reality for the rest. Controlling the masses is the key. Universal consciousness is key. 

     Though Hanks seems to be correct in the fact that we may learn.. "we're going to learn how to do that one thing we've already sort of done, we're going to become better and better and better." The real question from this is - Are we going to allow them (the self-proclaimed elites) to control the outcome and create a new world order? Or is this something we are going to learn and do ourselves. 

     I was going to share this early in the week and other things came up I felt needed to be shared or touched upon. Hope people find this stuff valuable, as it is priceless. Till next time... Thank you for stopping by! You are appreciated! 


Very cool, but reversing speech? I can't take that seriously, what scientific means has that?

But even with this, it should be upvoted much more! I know about legalese and natural persons.

What you can do is add more formatting;



You can get quotes from YouTube transcripts as well.

Not many are going to read this much. Jump to #MSP in Discord and all the other helpers. This is good stuff but don't waste your time for 2 cents...

I liked a very nice post

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