sciatic nerve pain, SO FKN BAD! Experience sharing
It's the 5th day Im suffering sciatic nerve pain, very deep heavy pain.
Life went aweful this last days, barely can walk or stand up, everything is a complication, and even you can discover, you are not as strong as you tought.
The pain when heavy, afects your CHI, and by CHI I mean the power center of the body. This means you can only (if lucky) use the power from your waist up, so even when you can move your legs in certain posture, they have no power, so they basically hang, and your arms still strong but the pain will take your capacity of doing long efforts. Thai Chi is very like this, also very helpfull.
Personally laying down, is the worst posture, It basically desables me, sitting is the less painful but not if I stay too long, and standing is increasing dosis of pain.
Last nigth I decided to lay on the couch, bad idea bros and sis! That shit went mad, couldnt literally sit, that was so bad, i decided to roll to the floor, my wife tryed to help me, as she laugh, but no success, after 1 hour of trying and heat pad, she came up with a real nice idea!
A pillow stair, so I could reach seating posture, so I lifted a bit, then she slides a pillow under me, and again, 5 times, then I was sitting. A nigth of really bad pain, and laughs.
Some cases can last several weeks.
Still there is many ways for feeling relief but, and to help healing.
Avoid alochol, dont drink, drinking is not good for your muscles.
Avoid Painkillers, they have many cons like, they cost money we dont have, increasing pain after painkilller effect. If you take painkillers you can not connect with your body, and by connection I meant listening to your body, pain is a STOP sign, if you can't see the stop lights, you may crash. As you will feel better you may do some movement that will make your day a missery and maybe will make the whole process longer. If pain is too bad take painillers, but be concius you sould use it 1 time a day you should inhabitat your pain.
Heat up! Use a thermal mat to keep the area hot, look for your power position. Yor power position is the posture in wich your legs respond better and standing up is easier for you.
Move! Small and soft movements are great, make this movements in order to talk with your body. Move slowly until you reach your pain zone, explore a litle bit inside the pain, there is 4 zones of pain: "just want to complaint", "I can do it", "Please stop", "Please kill me", try to go from "I can do it" to as far as you can in "Please stop", no worry, after a few movements the "Just want to complaint" pain zone will be bigger.
Dont kill yourself! If you can't take it no more, use corticoids, this is a medication that is really no good, but will stop your pain for weeks with intramuscular aplication. I may get one today, too many days without working is not good, no work no money, principles, how much do you offer for mine?
Be smart! Try to find a doctor, so he can check your body, specially if pain is long term.
Level up. Use high quality medical cannabis, will be very efective in many ways.
Thanks for reading!
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So you endorse cannabis but not anti-inflammatories, but you do recommend seeking help from a medical professional. Depending on the cause of your sciatica Tylenol or Motrin might be the recommended therapy. Cannabis is not a main stream allopathic medication yet and most docs are not comfortable prescribing it so I wouldn't hold my breath getting a script for this from your GP.
Well... Cannabis can be bought without prescription, and besides strain, it will help take the process better and have antiinflammatories and anxiolytic effect. I do recommend antiinflammatories, but no painkillers, isn't the same. One reduces inflammation the other reduces the perception of pain. And corticoid is a strong thing but over use is really bad for your body
I typically do not give narcotics or steroids for sciatica so we are in agreement there. ibuprofen is a COX inhibitor so yes it is an anti-inflammatory. I have no problem with people using cannabis but I do not think it is a panacea. I recommend getting to the root of the problem which could be the back or glutes or somewhere in between. My personal journey with sciatica has to do with the piriformis syndrome and the best therapy for that I've found is stretching (yoga) so the nerve isn't compressed. My point is that cannabis is not yet fully mainstream western medicine (for better or worse)and is not taught in medical schools or residencies.
Well, yes absolutely true, tai chi chuan and yoga, also pilates are the best, not only for siatic pain, is good for everything. Movement is. Back to cannabis, here in argentina we have graduate students in medicine, here you can be a surgeon as you can be a cannabis doctor, mostly pain oriented. There is no tratment that is a panacea but as you recomend ibuprofen, I rather will give someone weed instead, aiming to painkiller dosage reduction.
My point is that the more you can do for your body, facing to better overall results, is the way to go.