There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat

in #life6 years ago

A wise man once said,

No man ought to win a victory who is not willing to run the risk of defeat.”
Ulysses S. Grant

Whenever there is victory,somebody/something has been defeated. Both the victor and the loser had equal opportunities, it is the determination and effort that rewards you either.


After every war, the winner rejoice even after so many losses of life's in the battle field, but their victory overshadows that while the loosers will morn for defeat and for loss of life's.
It was a great risk the both side had to take knowing there would be massive losses but the end will justify the means. This is also applicable to our life achievements. To go far in life, we have to put our fear behind and take some certain levels of risk in which we know that once lost can or may bring us down to point zero. That is the test that comes with life and not great victory comes without great risk.

It is easy to get trapped by your fears.

It’s easy to imagine up all kinds of negative beliefs and thoughts about how your dream is going to respond to your request for whatever it is you need to win and to succeed. Those silent voices that only you can hear speaks convincingly in your head telling you your solution is inadequate, that your competitors are in another weight class, and that you have much to fear.

It’s hard to make the choice to act, when there is a very big possibility of loosing.

The Right Risk Is Right

The right risk is always right because at the end of it you come back smiling since victory is yours . That risks that occur as a result of you taking the actions that you know you need to take to understand what your dream client’s actually needs, to develop the right vision of the solution, and gain access to your victory.

The risk is far greater in making the decision, all sort of thoughts and Imaginatuons start popping into your head, those voices start whispering in your head,some trying to discourage you and some trying to encourage. It's now left for you to choose which voice to hear, that's where the risk comes, because any decision made or any step taken will determine your victory or failure tomorrow. If finally the outcome of your risk is victory then you can now sleep comfortably.

Without risk, not greater heights can be achieved. That's why when there is victory after risk, it calls for celebration. Never forget, not all risk will lead you to victory, some you will be defeated. Have that in mind, never forget what caused your defeat, restrategise and go back to taking the risk then see yourself coming out a victor.

Necessary Risks and Unnecessary Risks

The necessary risks that you take are the risks that enable you to win your dream client opportunity. While you are consumed with the idea of avoiding the risks that are necessary, you are instead taking unnecessary risks. Each idea you think of without carefully choosing can lead you to taking unnecessary risk leaving the necessary once.

Taking the risks necessary to win and later succeed for your dream is what earns you your victory. If you aren’t willing to do what is right, even at the highest cost of your deal, if you’re not willing to run the risk of defeat then you don’t deserve to win.


Wow...thanks. This is an expansion on one of my quotes which i posted yerterday. Hmmm. Good post.

Taking the risks necessary to win and later succeed for your dream is what earns you your victory..
This part caught me,its good to take reasonable risks ..

Awesome post but want to say sometimes we do not know if the right risk is truely right as in life anything can happen but always good to make right choices of risk. Thanks for the post mate

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