People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions
Actions definitely speaks louder than words. Often times we see people talk and boast about what they have and can do but when you move closer to them, you realize they are nothing but empty drums that's why They make loud noise.
Trust not the words of any man including myself my dad always say. Man can promise and at the end fail. It's easier and better to define a person by their actions and not words because men turn back at their words, most time not because they want to but situations could turn out otherwise as planned.
In leadership, life and all things it's far wiser to judge people by their deeds than their speech - their track record rather than their talk because the wolf's could b hiding under a sheep clothing.
What people say, what people do, and what they say they do are entirely different things. Listen to what people say but watch what they do by that you know their real identity.
It's an easy message, never judge or conclude about anyone just by hearing them speak but watch their actions and know how to deal with them.
Be positive about your self and Let today be greater than tomorrow
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