How to Block Microwave Mind Programing Signals.
Maybe the conspiracy theorists with their tinfoil hats dont look so silly after all, maybe their is some truth to the idea.
Aluminum foil does help with lowering certain EM radiation if it is electrically grounded and not touching our skin.
Many of us are heavily bombarded by microwave radiation beams coming from mobilephone towers.
It is easy to determine the radiation levels if you use a RF signal detector.
By blocking these RF waves by using grounded metal sheets goes a long way by lessening the radiation.
EM radiation comes in forms of microwaves emitted by mobile phone towers.
Evidence suggests, microwave pollution can muddle thoughts, induce fatigue, reduce willpower, and maybe even subliminally implant spontaneous thoughts or manipulate our emotional states.
EM Radiation may also be used for monitoring purposes.