Pregnancy and Birth Affirmations for Natural Childbirth

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Affirmations can be very helpful during pregnancy and labor. Below I have a list of affirmations that I have found very helpful. I used these affirmations throughout my whole pregnancy and labor with my second child. I am now currently pregnant with our third child and have been using these again so far. I wrote out these affirmations and had them in my birthing space in my home and used them quite a bit while I was in labor. One thing I really wanted to make sure I did with the affirmations was to not use any kind of negative words. So I have chosen to stay away from words like: can’t, won’t, not, fear, pain, contractions, or scared to name some. I have also chose to use the word “our” in front of the word baby rather than “my”. This is a personal preference as I like to incorporate my partner and daughter as much as possible through this special time. I believe they are just as much a part of it as I am. Feel free to use any of these affirmations in order to create a more positive journey through your sacred time!

  1. I am open, we are open.
  2. I am perfectly aligned, always.
  3. I am whole and will always be whole.
  4. My body is perfectly designed to give birth.
  5. I trust my body and our baby.
  6. I will surrender to the wisdom of my body.
  7. I am safe, loved, capable, and grounded.
  8. I am strong, confident, and peaceful.
  9. I will bring our baby into this world in the most peaceful, gentle way possible.
  10. I am safe and surrounded by love, protection, and support.
  11. I will trust and follow my instincts.
  12. I will flow with the natural process of birth.
  13. I fully trust our baby knows when she is ready to be born into the world.
  14. Just as our baby grew flawlessly in my body, I trust my body to bring her safely into the world.
  15. I welcome labor as a new adventure and journey.
  16. I am perfectly in sync with nature.
  17. I allow the rhythm of life to flow through me.
  18. Our baby can feel our love flow to her with each surge.
  19. I free my mind and embrace the natural process.
  20. During each surge, I feel my body slip into deep relaxation.
  21. My cervix open easily and effortlessly.
  22. Time is only energy.
  23. As my cervix opens more and more, I move deeper and deeper into relaxation.
  24. My body opens gently and effortlessly as our baby eases out.
  25. I already know everything about birth, the answers are within me.
  26. My body and our baby are the only two things I need to give birth.
  27. I am all I need in these sacred moments.
  28. I am calm, everything is happening as it needs to.
  29. Our baby will be born surrounded by love.
  30. I am fully connected with our baby.
  31. I am powerful, I can do it.
  32. My body is healthy, our baby is healthy, my body and baby work in perfect harmony.
  33. I will keep our baby safe and healthy and make the best decisions for her.
  34. My baby and I work together.
  35. I am a strong, healthy, confident mother who will protect our baby.
  36. I will fully embrace everything that occurs.
  37. I choose to birth our baby gently, in my own strength and time.
  38. My mind is free.
  39. All the energy around flows through me.
  40. Love will guide our baby out.
  41. The universe is aligned with me and our baby the day she is born.
  42. Our baby is pure.
  43. I feel the presence and power of my ancestors who birthed before me.

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