Stephen Hawking Warning: Send astronauts quickly because otherwise we are lost

in #life7 years ago

Hawking Warning: Send astronauts quickly because otherwise we are lost
Call the major countries on the planet to speed up astronaut missions and create Moon bases
He said that by 2020 astronauts had to have reached the Moon again
Renowned physicist Steven Hawking called on the major countries of the planet to speed up astronaut missions and build bases on the Moon and Mars in order to give humanity a broader goal, but also a way out if something goes wrong on Earth - something Not at all unlikely, according to him.

The wheelchair-locked-but always aware of what is happening and anxious for the future - British scientist said that by 2020, the astronauts must have reached the Moon again and a base built there in the next 30 years. For Mars, he said that astronauts should push their foot there by 2025 and later create a base there.

While it would have been better if he could have reached the planets closest to the Earth Star, the Centaur Blessing, at about 4.5 light years, there are indications that they are hospitable to life, especially Proxima Centauri b , Which has several similarities to our own planet.

Of course, with the current instruments, it would take three million years to make such a journey. That's why he did not rule out that one day people can travel much faster on a strong ray of light, taking advantage of Einstein's theory of relativity.

Speaking at the Norwegian science and art festival Starmus in Trondheim, according to the BBC, Hawking stressed the need to revive the space program with more ambitious goals.

"Our proliferation in space will completely change the future of humanity. I hope it will unite the competing states towards a common goal: to face the common challenge for all of us, "he said. At the same time, he criticized President Trab for his negative attitude to climate change.

As Hawking said, Earth is threatened by climate change, depletion of natural resources and the collapse of biodiversity, so space travel is vital to safeguarding the future of humanity.

"We are out of space and the only places to go, are the other worlds. It is now time to explore other solar systems. Our spread to them may be the only thing that will save us from ourselves. I am convinced that it is necessary for people to leave the Earth, "said Hawking.

"We should not be able to enjoy the universe from the Earth's shot. Earth is threatened by so many things that it is difficult to be positive, "he added.

As he warned, in the long run there is no future for the people on our planet, who at some point can be hit by asteroids. He emphasized that the colonization of other worlds must be coordinated by all the great states and collectively "lifting up" mankind.

"The colonization of other planets is no longer science fiction, but it can become a scientific event. If humanity is to continue for another million years, our future lies in going courageously where nobody else has gone before. I hope for the best. I have to hope. We have no choice, "he concluded.



If an asteroid were to approach earth, i'm sure scientists will know it long before it hits earth by that time i'm sure we could get Bruce willis to land on the asteroid and blow it up before earth gets destroyed :p

yep we have Bruce !!!

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