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RE: Poor vs Rich? Which is Truly Better?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

rich is better....but.....what trully matters is salvation because Heaven and Hell exist, are not symbolic or abstractions or anything ....the conscious mind with some parts of the subconscious(that together form the Soul), when you die, will be transmitted to other place via some waves we don't know. I am a catholic so I believe in the purgatory, many people will not inherit the Heaven directly, they will have to go through the purgatory to correct some aspects of their characters....Almost all rich people will have to go through purgatory to correct their narcissism. It's easier for a camel to go through a needle than a rich man to go directly to Heaven.


everybody saying than poor is better....Strange that I never see rich people giving away money on the street because they have too much....The answer is: don't judge people based on wealth, judge them based on character

Jesus died to pay the penalty for all of our sins (Romans 5:8). Isaiah 53:5 declares, “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” Jesus suffered for our sins so that we could be delivered from suffering. To say that we must also suffer for our sins is to say that Jesus’ suffering was insufficient. To say that we must atone for our sins by cleansing in Purgatory is to deny the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus (1 John 2:2). The idea that we have to suffer for our sins after death is contrary to everything the Bible says about salvation., in the purgatory, will be purified in your character to enter in Heaven, because in Heaven everything is perfect, so if there is some portion of evil in any person there, it stops to be Heaven....Heaven is Heaven because there is no bad people there.

And that's one of the differences between catholics and protestants....You protestants believe the Bible is the Word of God, we believe that, although the Bible is the most important tool to get to Christ and, consequently to God, the Bible is not the word of God.....The word of God is Christ....we have to read Christ in the Bible through the Holy Spirit inside, if the Bible tells you "Go stone that woman for this or that" and Christ in ourselves tell us "Don't", we have to obey Christ more than to the literal words of the Bible......but even the words of the Bible don't tell us that the sacrifice of Christ is enough....Sacrifice of Christ is essential, because without it noone would be saved, but it's not enough....We have to be good and to sacrifice a bit too to go to Heaven.

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