[ENG][ESP] An orthopedic surgeon in Steemit? My Megapost - ¿Un cirujano ortopedista en Steemit? Mi Megapost.

in #life6 years ago



It might seem a little strange, even crazy and inconsistent that an orthopedic surgeon is in Steemit, in many countries like the United States a colleague in my profession earns up to $300,000 a year, and probably even more in Europe. Although medicine has become an increasingly unhinged and capitalist system, not very humane and sensitive elsewhere (as in my country) when the opposite happens, and we work for love, vocation and passion we are devalued and badly treated. I am convinced that this is one of the main reasons why in other countries they see the Venezuelan doctor as someone so empathetic. Human nature is curious, it tends to be extremist and not to remain at the middle level.



Podría verse un poco extraño, incluso disparatado y con poca coherencia que un cirujano ortopedista se encuentre en Steemit, en muchos países como en Estados Unidos un colega de mi profesión gana un salario anual de hasta 300.000 $, y probablemente hasta mucho más en Europa. Si bien la medicina se ha vuelto un sistema cada vez más desquiciado y capitalista, poco humano y sensible en otros lados (como en mi país) cuando ocurre lo contrario, y trabajamos por amor, vocación y pasión somos desvalorizados y mal tratados. Estoy convencido de que es una de las principales causas de que en otros países vean al médico venezolano como alguien tan empático. Es curiosa la naturaleza humana, tiende a ser extremista y no permanecer en el nivel medio.


Let's start then.... /// Empecemos…


My History:

Growing up...

Hi!, my name is Leopoldo Maizo, I am a medical surgeon, graduated in the specialty of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology in Venezuela, it seems short when I mention it in this way, but in my country as in many others, they are equivalent to many years of effort and continuous work, even with workdays of more than 24 hours and long moments without eating for so much work.


To be a surgeon or general practitioner in my country, the medical career is 6 years, the most important thing is that in that time we obtain the general knowledge necessary to attend all kinds of patients and thus solve most emergencies. There are many books on anatomy, physiology, physiology, physiopathology, semiology, epidemiology, immunology, history, in short... and of course the four fundamental clinics of every medical student: paediatrics, gynaecology, surgery and internal medicine.

Once the achievement has been achieved and the goals have been met with satisfaction, we receive our degree and practice public medicine in rural areas of our country during the period of one year as a form of payment for those years of free education. Here we call it Article 8 or "Rural". It is a great experience that I had to live in towns near the city of "La Victoria", in the State of Aragua. I will never forget the memories and fruitful experiences of those moments, just as many people will never forget the work of my hands on those difficult moments they went through.


Mi Historia:


Hola, mi nombre es Leopoldo Maizo, soy médico cirujano, graduado en la especialidad de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología en Venezuela, parece corto cuando lo menciono de esta forma, pero en mi país al igual que en muchos otros, equivalen a muchos años de esfuerzo y trabajo continuo, incluso con jornadas laborales por más de 24 horas y extensos momentos sin comer por tanto trabajo.


Para ser médico cirujano o medico general en mi país, la carrera de medicina es de 6 años, lo más importante es que en ese tiempo obtenemos los conocimientos generales necesarios para atender a toda clase de pacientes y así solucionar la mayoría de las emergencias. Son muchos libros de anatomía, fisiología, fisiopatología, semiología, epidemiologia, inmunología, historia, en fin… y por supuesto las cuatro clínicas fundamentales de todo estudiante de medicina: pediatría, ginecobstetricia, cirugía y medicina interna.

Una vez alcanzado el logro y las metas se han cumplido con satisfacción recibimos nuestro titulo y ejercemos durante el periodo de un año medicina pública en localidades rurales de nuestro país como forma de pago para aquellos años de educación gratuita. Aquí lo llamamos Articulo 8 o “Rural”. Es una gran experiencia que me tocó vivir en localidades aledañas a la ciudad de “La Victoria”, en el Estado Aragua. Nunca olvidaré los recuerdos y experiencias provechosas de esos momentos, así como muchas personas tampoco olvidaran la labor de mis manos sobre aquellos momentos difíciles que ellos atravesaron.



“To be irreplaceable one must always seek to be different.” (Gabrielle Coco)// // Para ser irreemplazable uno debe buscar ser siempre diferente. (Gabrielle Coco)

A Surgeon:

It was in November 2013 after a long and laborious test of hours that I was able to enter the Postgraduate Course of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology offered at the Military Hospital of Maracay, a city very close by and in which I have the pleasure of living today. It took 4 years to complete the specialization. When a doctor does a full-time postgraduate degree, those two words become literal when you realize that you are treating patients all day and every day, operating, studying and even doing administrative activities.

Certainly you separate yourself from those loved ones not because you want to, but because the dynamics of work does not allow you to spend more time with them than you want, but you learn to value and give importance to those "little moments". And so, with the addition of time, 13 years of incessant study went by to get where I am today.

Un Cirujano:

Fue en noviembre de 2013 luego de una laboriosa prueba de extensas horas que pude entrar al Postgrado de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología ofrecido en el Hospital Militar de Maracay, una ciudad muy cercana y en la cual tengo el agrado de vivir hoy en día. Fueron 4 años para realizar la especialización. Cuando un médico realiza un postgrado de “dedicación exclusiva”, aquellas dos palabras se vuelven literales cuando te das cuenta de que estas todo el día y todos los días atendiendo pacientes, operando, estudiando y haciendo incluso actividades administrativas.

Ciertamente te separas de aquellos seres amados no porque quieras, sino porque la dinámica del trabajo no te permite estar más tiempo del que deseas con ellos, pero aprendes a valorar y darle importancia a esos “pequeños momentos”. Y así con el sumar del tiempo transcurrieron 13 años de incesantes estudios para llegar a donde estoy.


Awarding of my scientific work in Spain // // Premiación de mi trabajo científico en España

A new concept:

And I also decided to be, while I was studying, "someone different", a dreamer, inventor, curious, researcher and something eccentric. Always trying to take my ideas forward to face any problem against my logic.

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Not long ago I developed an idea, "a new concept" that after having led to scientific consensus among the best hand surgeons in Venezuela I subsequently insisted on publishing until I finally obtained an award from the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology in September 2016 and my work was published in the Spanish Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology RECOT, (one of the most recognized journals worldwide in my specialty).

It was so well received that I received the support of some public agencies to make it difficult for me to travel and to be able to appear before the great orthopaedic surgeons of the world.

Un nuevo concepto:

Y así mismo me determiné a ser mientras estaba realizando mis estudios, “alguien diferente”, un soñador, inventor, curioso, investigador y algo excéntrico. Tratando siempre de llevar mis ideas por delante para afrontar cualquier problema en contra de mi lógica.

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Hace no mucho tiempo desarrolle una idea, “un nuevo concepto” que luego de haberlo llevado a consenso científico entre los mejores cirujanos de mano de Venezuela posteriormente insistí en publicarlo hasta que finalmente obtuve un premio por la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología en Septiembre de 2016 y mi trabajo fue publicado en la Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología RECOT, (una de las revistas más reconocidas a nivel mundial en mi especialidad).

Tuvo tanta aceptación que recibí el apoyo de algunos organismos públicos para difícilmente viajar y poder presentarme ante los grandes cirujanos ortopédicos del mundo.


If you are interested in reading the article I published I will leave you the following link, (or you can place the word "carpalgia" in google and you will get my work. // Si te interesa leer el artículo que publiqué te dejaré el siguiente link, (o puedes colocar la palabra “carpalgia” en google y te saldrán mis trabajos.




Invitation to China in the Speaker category // //Invitación a China en la categoría "Speaker"


However, my ideas traveled the world, and in a short time (less than a year) I had already received invitations from various countries to attend as an "exponent". Spain, England, Germany, Thailand and even China. In this last one to the World Congress of Orthopedics, perhaps the biggest international event concerning the specialty and with the honor of entering among the 300 best orthopedic surgeons and scientists of my specialty.


Unfortunately, unlike other regions, in Venezuela a specialist doctor has the same salary as a worker (respecting his great work), taking into account the human lives he has in his charge and the great interventions he makes, not to mention the arduous effort and work behind 13 years of studies and sacrifices. Added to this, the serious economic crisis facing the country, of which it is no secret to anyone, affects each of us in an unlikely way. That's why after insisting on going to government bodies and not getting any favorable response, the time for acceptance finally expired and sadly I could not attend to present my ideas.

I didn't leave my ideas and projects behind, however, and I went ahead with a project to create a prototype device as a surgical instrument, which I hope to share with everyone soon.

The days passed and I am currently a reviewer and editor of some international journals, an adherent member of the Venezuelan Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SVCOT) and a foreign member of the Spanish Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SECOT). It's not easy to make a world tour to have your talents recognized. You have to dream and eat science in medicine, sometimes you like it so much that you imagine if you could change even more with your hands, and you do...


No obstante mis ideas recorrieron el mundo, y en cuestión de poco tiempo (menos de un año) ya había recibido invitaciones de diversos países para asistir en la modalidad de “exponente”. España, Inglaterra, Alemania, Thailandia e incluso China. En este último al Congreso Mundial de Ortopedia, tal vez el más grande evento a nivel internacional referente a la especialidad y con el honor de entrar entre los 300 mejores cirujanos ortopedistas y científicos de mi especialidad.


Lamentablemente a diferencia de otras regiones, en Venezuela un médico especialista tiene el mismo sueldo que un obrero (respetando su gran labor), tomando en cuenta las vidas humanas que tenga a su cargo y de las grandes intervenciones que haga, ni mucho menos por mencionar el arduo esfuerzo y labor detrás de 13 años de estudios y sacrificios. Añadido a esto, la grave crisis económica que afronta el país y del cual no es secreto para nadie atañe a cada uno de nosotros de forma inverosímil. Es por eso que luego de insistidas veces de acudir a los entes gubernamentales y no obtener ninguna respuesta favorable finalmente el tiempo de aceptación caducó y tristemente no pude asistir a presentar mis ideas.

No por eso deje atrás mis ideas y proyectos, y seguí adelante con un proyecto para la creación de un prototipo de dispositivo como instrumental quirúrgico, que por cierto espero pronto compartirlo con todos.

Transcurrieron los días y actualmente soy revisor y editor de algunas revistas internacionales, miembro adherente de la sociedad venezolana de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología (SVCOT) y miembro extranjero de la sociedad española de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología (SECOT). No es nada fácil realizar un recorrido en el mundo para que te reconozcan tus talentos. Tienes que soñar y comer de la ciencia en medicina, algunas veces te gusta tanto que te imaginas si pudieses cambiar aún más con tus manos, y lo haces...


Practicing our surgeries on plastic models // //Practicando en modelos plásticos nuestras cirugías

A project for everyone and a new opportunity:

Thanks to the support of my brother and my team this year I was able to found a company called Sermedic, which provides services related to the area of orthopedic surgery and traumatology. We try to provide the best prices for Venezuelan patients by offering medical consultations in less than a dollar and surgeries at considerable prices, sometimes, they are not charged to patients with limited economic resources and who need our help. We have even partnered with projects in cryptomes such as Well Token to help patients in other countries by offering the best cost of orthopedic and traumatology surgery.


Again I have received from the international committee the second invitation to the World Congress of Orthopaedics (as you can see in the picture) but this time I am determined that with the help of everyone through the crowfounding pages I can gather the necessary resources to attend. It's not an easy goal to achieve as it's almost $5,000 in airfare alone, but I won't give up so easily this time and I'll be posting my first Indegogo campaign soon. I hope you will support me hehehe....

Un proyecto para todos y una nueva oportunidad:

Gracias al apoyo de mi hermano y mi equipo de trabajo este año pude fundar una empresa de nombre Sermedic, el cual brinda servicios relacionados con el área de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología. Tratamos de brindar los mejores precios para los pacientes venezolanos ofreciendo consultas médicas en menos de un dólar y cirugías a precios considerables, a veces, no se cobran a pacientes de escasos recursos económicos y que necesitan nuestra ayuda. Incluso hemos entablado alianzas con proyectos en criptomonedas como Well Token para poder ayudar a pacientes de otros países ofreciéndoles los mejores costos de cirugías en ortopedia y traumatología.


Nuevamente he recibido de parte del comité internacional la segunda invitación al Congreso Mundial de Ortopedia (como verán en la imagen) pero esta vez estoy decidido a que con la ayuda de todos a través de páginas de “crowfounding” pueda reunir los recursos necesarios para asistir. No es una meta fácil de lograr ya que solo en pasajes de avión son casi 5.000 dólares, pero no me rendiré tan fácil esta vez y pronto estaré posteando mi primera campaña en Indegogo. Espero me apoyen jejeje…


Second invitation as a speaker. This time to the 5th World Congress of Orthopedic Surgery. I hope this time I can go... // //Segunda invitacion como "Ponente". Esta vez al 5to. Congreso Mundial de Ortopedia. Espero esta vez poder ir.


And yet we want to keep working, we want to keep operating and serving our people. Because we cannot live without working from what we love. // //Y aun así queremos seguir trabajando, queremos seguir operando y atendiendo a nuestra gente. Porque no podemos vivir sin trabajar de lo que amamos.

Finally, I would like to show you just a part of who I am and what I do behind the scenes at Steemit. "They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video is probably worth a thousand pictures.

We are doing everything possible to help many people in need of surgery, through our company Sermedic we eliminate the high costs by accepting cryptocurrencies for patients who need our help at the best price in the world and without intermediaries. You can read more about our project in:


If you liked this post and you are interested in clinical cases do not hesitate to follow me. I will be publishing many more cases soon.

All Text📑 and Photos 📷 are original from: @drmaizo

Por último, quisiera mostrarlos sólo una parte del detrás de cámaras en Steemit de quién soy y qué hago. “Dicen que una imagen vale más que mil palabras, así que un video probablemente valgan más que mil imágenes”.

Estamos haciendo lo posible por ayudar a mucha gente necesitada por cirugías, a través de nuestra empresa Sermedic eliminamos los altos costos aceptando criptomonedas para pacientes que necesiten nuestra ayuda al mejor precio del mundo y sin intermediarios. Puedes leer más acerca de nuestro proyecto en:


Si te gustó este post y te interesan los casos clínicos no dudes de seguirme. Estaré publicando pronto muchos más casos.

Todo el Relato📑 y Fotos 📷 son originales de: @drmaizo



Follow me on instagram: @maizo14 // Sígueme en Instagram @maizo14


You are lucky to be in a system where money is not so big. Surgeons in the US make much more than 300k a year & lose all of their humanity. They complain about money, no matter how much they make & most will do unnecessary surgeries for money. I became a surgical tech to learn & help people, but quickly learned I was only helping surgeons get rich. I’d bet the great majority of surgeries I worked on had a negative overall effect on the patients health, when you account for all of the effects of antibiotics & anesthesia, & post op drugs that are killing people everyday. Quit that job after two years because it felt extremely dirty. My opinion of surgeons is in the US is they operate like lawyers. It’s more about what treatments make them money they know they can defend in court. You’re not missing anything by not making big money for your work, you are gaining much more important things if you are doing your work for the right reasons. You should feel good about yourself, something many many hi paid surgeons don’t

I totally agree with you on many things, in fact it does not escape reality even in some underdeveloped countries where they abuse the humblest people. The problem with this country is that it is so miserable and little that I find it unjustified to go through hunger and other people's bad times. I think the best thing to do is to use middle terms, and to move away from extremes. Thanks for commenting @ceattlestrech, friend.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge & experience. I have seen first hand, You are doing an incredibly difficult job. Gotta take care of your own body to help other people. Eat food, drink water & get your sleep. I hope the economic policy improves & you can find a good balance to do your best work & help people. Hopefully crypto will help 👍

Thank you for your sincere words, friend. Hope to read you again soon :)

I hope my contribution as a small part of the Steemit community can help you achieve your noble dreams. Upvoted, resteemed, and followed.
I look forward to your future posts.

Any contribution always excites me to follow it wherever I want. Thank you very much @webgrrrl. A big hug for you.

First, thank you for all of the work you do to help and save others. Your dedication to innovation is impressive, and I appreciate the hard work you do! Our 2 year old last November smashed 2 of her fingers in a wooden bench seat lid. It was horrible, we took her to Children’s Hospital and she had surgery in the ER to repair the nail bed/matrix. Now, her nails have grown back in and for the most part look like nothing happened. It was Orthapedic Surgeons that fixed them and I am forever grateful! It takes a special person to do the work you do and I am so greateful for you!

So happy to see you on SteemIt sharing your brilliant ideas and love for healing others! Thank you!

Thanks to you. You had a difficult experience with your baby, but fortunately thanks to the surgeons everything went well. Here we see many cases similar to that, sometimes our emergencies collapse and we have to decide who has priority. Of course, kids are always ahead of the game. Thank you again for your comment @nicolelang, have a great day.

Hermoso proyecto, que calidad de profesionales tenemos en nuestro país, doloroso que tengan que ser otros paises quienes se den cuenta de la calidad humana que tenemos, pero igual gracias a DIOS que pueden valorizar su trabajo, éxito y ojalá pudiera ayudarle por lo pronto a seguir adelante, Dios le bendiga. Exito.

Gracias @donrito7597, lamentablemente la mentalidad de las cúpulas corruptas tienen desviado sus intereses, cuando se den cuenta del valor que tiene la inversión en una sociedad joven con calidad para el bienestar de nuestro futuro ya se habrán ido las grandes masas potencias de conocimiento. Siempre bueno leerte. Un abrazo.

great post sir.u are genious man

Thanks my friend. I'm very flattered. :)

Great post indeed

Thank you @princluv. It was a hard and proud work.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by drmaizo from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.

Welcome @drmaizo to steemit, a Hippocratic brother from Venezuela. I can see that you have already adapted to the steemit platform.

Already following you for medical cases review. Hoping to see more of your works on the blockchain.

Thanks my friend @antigenx, the truth is that I have been in steemit for some time, but now I'm changing to doing bilingual publications about my medical cases. It is a great opportunity to meet colleagues from other countries like you. A hug, brother.

It is rare to see doctors who have fought against all odds to create impact as much as you have so far. Even with the constraints of poor governance. Great work I must say and I hope someday I can do same. Looking forward to future posts.

Thank you very much friend. It is for me very important comments like yours, they make me inspire more and trust that I am not alone. I will continue to soak this Steemit network of many medical experiences and help.

I don't find it strange or inconsistent that you're here at all. That you have the time, yes, that is a little hard to believe. But please don't consider being here an inconsistency. Most people here are extremely smart, empathetic people. Perhaps you could help promote orthopaedic knowledge here on Steemit.

Where I come from, people die and suffer all forms of handicaps because their orthopaedic issues were treated by non-professionals.

Please join our #steemSTEM community and tag us whenever you write a science technology engineering and Math content.

Thank you for being here and for sharing in two languages. You're amazing.

Thank you for your beautiful words @churchboy, you have an orthopedic surgeon as a friend. If you know someone with an orthopaedic disease, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm in the SteemStem Discord now. :D

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