How did I find what works with women? It's good to be a man!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I realized there was a conspiracy against men who were successful with women.
And it is real and very widespread in our culture.

Let me explain.
Most men I know have an inner feeling that it is wrong to "sleep" with more than
a woman in the same period (I mean the same old crushings and dating a few
women at the same time).
But most women I know have more than just 'feeling' about it. They are
straightforward and very devoted to the idea that it's wrong for men - to meet and sleep
with more than one woman.
You can see it on their faces and hear it in their voices when they talk about it
If you know what I'm talking about, nods quietly here.
What I discovered when I wrote my homework is that the moral idea of ​​monogamy (yes
you have only one partner) has been formalized, passed and cultured by rules,
religions and women for thousands of years.
I do not mean to go too far here, but I feel that understanding
where these beliefs came from and how they were promoted will free many readers.
Directly, forward.
Once upon a hundred thousand years ago the rulers of lands guarded large harems of women.
These harems were carefully guarded so that men other than rulers would not have access.
The punishment for adultery with one of the ruler's wives could cost a person's life.
These rulers held so many women not only for sexual diversity, which
but rather the reproductive power they gave them. They often had detailed ones
recordings they held so that they could only mate with the most fertile women in order to
can maximize women's chances of pregnancy and surrender their own
And what do you think the rulers did to keep their harems?
Correct! Set laws (not applicable to them) to promote
At that time there was a great shortage of women and so the laws would discourage
married men (those lucky enough to find a woman) to look for sex outside
their marriage, therefore, to preserve the harem of the ruler for the first time.
Then the church appeared.
Many religions banned sex, calling it "wrong" and condemning it with the name
Once I heard a wise man say, "Religion takes everything your DNA naturally
wants to do to survive it recreates it and makes it wrong. "Why? Well, if you're busy with that
to struggle with your inner needs, and look to the Lord as the only way to purify
from "bad" thoughts, then you are a much better OCCAS.
If you want people to follow you, confuse them first, then convince them that you know the way
brought them out of their confused state. Easy.
Finally we have the women. Here it becomes interesting.
If you look from an "economic" point of view, it does not tax them at all, their man running away
to have sex there with other women. She can only become pregnant with one child at a time
can only raise a limited number of children to have a man who will distribute
the seed is BAD, BAD, BAD of a woman's work. When you scatter your seed out, no
you may be at home to help. Even worse, you may have other children with other women who will
divide your attention and your profits forwards. (by the way, I do not say there is anything
wrong with the prospects of women, I just say that if you look at them from their point of view,
there are not many advantages in having a man who likes sleeping with many women).
So, everything that promotes monogamy as a religion is seen as 'right' for
many women as they go with what they know and feel is right.
Now let's talk about men.
My research makes me believe that men are "naturally" inclined to have one
the main woman to whom they are devoted, but they like to sleep with others when they are given the opportunity.
Think what you want, but do yourself a favor and read Matt Ridley's book "The Red
Queen "(Red Queen - Matt Ridley) before you start speculating!
Think about it a little. There are great benefits for men (or at least for their
genes) to sleep with more women.
First, it does not take much energy and does not have a big risk (to understand that there is a risk of
illness, etc., but he thought about the fact that a man would probably be babbling a dozen children before
some disease to smash it, making the exchange genetically speaking, nothing work).
I'm personally convinced that men are internally arranged to watch for sex
opportunities and seek sexual diversity. Let me add that just because you are so set up
like sweets, does not mean you only have to eat sweets ...
Having this in mind I would like to ask yourself:
What are my beliefs about monogamy?
Where did they come from?
Do I like my beliefs?
Do my beliefs come into conflict with my inner motives?
Would I like to change what I believe in basing on this new information?
In any event from now on.

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