Law & Order (msg to my attorney)
For the Peace and Dignity of the PEOPLE of the great state of Indiana, I hereby REJECT this asinine & thoroughly ridiculous plea agreement sent to me by the prosecutor of Jennings County, Donna Marsh.
Mrs. Marsh completely misses the point of the Rule of Law. She has fallen victim to the bastardization of Law that is pervasive throughout this state and nation. She is under the grotesque assumption that any person has the Authority to grant the state, a legal fiction, more authority than any person possesses.
Liberty must never be underestimated. Indeed, Liberty exists as an essential component of Life. Further, Liberty & Life are the foundation of Law. Law only exists to protect Life and Liberty.
This is Law 101. This is the fundamental nature of Law. This is the only reason for Law to exist.
When Law is used beyond these means, it becomes, by definition, bastardized. It is lowered from it's high standard to a form of plunder. It is used to thieve.
It is used to thieve from the individual, their friends, family and community. It steals time, money, and worst of all, the very Liberty that it was invented to protect.
Yes. It steals Life itself.
What Mrs Marsh and prosecutors & their partners in this thievery across this state, the judges, fail to recognize, consistently, is the very basic concept of crime.
Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea.
Gibberish? Nay. Latin. A language which the Judicial elite wish us peasants would cease to recognize.
Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Sit Rea, in English, literally means "An act does not make anyone guilty unless there is a criminal intent or a guilty mind."
Read that again. Read it aloud. Go down to your local courthouse and read it to your prosecutors and judges.
That my friends is the Law.
Do not allow anyone to bullshit you.
"An act does not make anyone guilty unless there is a criminal intent or a guilty mind." This is Law.
What these prosecutors and judges are enforcing on you & I? A complete bastardization of the Law and outright THEFT.
Theft is prohibited by Law.
The plea agreement which I was sent, for a class C misdemeanor, get this, enhanced on a previous infraction, sixteen years ago, is a cruel joke. Asking me to forfeit 22 1/2 days of my LIFE & LIBERTY for an infraction of a code in which no Life was taken, no Liberty assailed, is, quite frankly, preposterous.
To save the judge, prosecutor & anyone else the time of looking up preposterous, it means, according to Merriam-Webster, "contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : ABSURD"
Now, I am not into committing absurdities. So therefore, there is no way on Good's Green Earth, that I am going to sign this piece of worthless garbage they call a plea.
I am urging any person working in and or concerned with Law in the state of Indiana to intervene here.
This is a travesty, not Justice. If you wish to maintain the integrity, any integrity, of Law and Order, you should be highly offended by this. This behavior, this institutionalized thievery & blatant bastardization of the Law can not be allowed to stand.
It is not just my case. It is your case. It is all of our cases.
Case closed.
Sincerely, your client, Mike, man of the land of the Cockerham clan